26. It's alive

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Author's POV

After Rang had left, Y/n calls Yuri.

''Yuri-ya, annyeong.''
''Hello, y/n-ssi. I was thinking about when to call you.''
''Oh wae ?''
''Its about the pup. I got him treated by a vet. He's better now.''
''Oh, thanks a lot yuri. I'll go and take him tomorrow.''
''I'll send you the address later.''
''Sure. Ummm, yuri.''
''Ye ?''

''Has something happened with Rang ?''
''Nothing that I know of yet, why ?''
''He's been behaving differently ever since he met Yeon today.''
''It never ends good between them.''
''Seems so. He also didn't speak much while coming back. Im worried.''
''Wait, you're worried ?'' Yuri stressed on y/n's statement making her realise she had said something that she would regret.
''No, I--- I mean, just if you get to know anything let me know.... Um, bye ! Good night.''
''Sure good night y/n-ssi.'' Yuri ended the call giggling when Rang entered the house.

''Lee rang-nim, you're back. What happened, is something up ? Actually I got a call from---''
''Please Yuri-ya. Im a bit tired.'' He said sitting on the mini bar he had near his kitchen, making a drink.
''Fine. It was something about y/n-ssi but if you're tired then--''
''What about y/n ? What happened to her ?'' Rang said immediately bouncing from the chair.
''Relax, lee rang-nim. Nothing happened to her. Gosh you're always so worried.''

''Then what happened ?'' He asked sitting back down sipping on some alcohol.
''Y/n-ssi called me up. She was worried about you.'' Rang's eyes lit up hearing Yuri.
''What did she say ?''
''Nothing much, she just wanted to make sure you're alright.''
''And ?''
''And before she could spill more, she knew what she'd said. She got flustered and hung up. But if lee rang-nim wants, i'll try to know more about what y/n-ssi thinks about you.''
''Gomavo Yuri-ya.'' Rang said giving a slight smile but something was bothering him.

Yeon was at the Afterlife Immigration Office, having a conversation with granny. Ji ah had freed him from the fortune teller by giving him her fox bead in exchange for Yeon.

''Granny, you know everything don't you ?'' Yeon asked in a serious tone.
''Regarding what ?''
''The imoogi. It still lives.''
''Cause and effect is the cardinal rule of the world. The imoogi has been awoken from his sleep by the blood he craves.''
''But Ji ah didn't shed even a single drop of blood for the ritual that day, Granny.'' Yeon said confused.
''Was she the only woman there ?'' Granny questioned making yeon think.

Now Yeon started thinking and joined the pieces together. It wasn't Ji ah's blood that woke up the imoogi.

''A blessed child, born in the year of the sheep.'' Granny reminded yeon.
''Y/n ? No way. I knew something was wrong when she told us she was near the well.''
''Regardless, you are the one who sought Ji ah out against my advice.''
''Then its alive.''
''Yes it is.'' Granny said expression less.
''What was it that I fought for ?''
''Everyone leads the path they chose.''
''Where is that jerk right now ?'' Yeon said walking out of the office when Granny's words stop him.

''I've warned you time and time again. Foxes and humans can never be together. Even if they're a half fox.''
''Granny please tell me, where is it.''
''Huh, what exited the well went into hiding immediately. A piece of it was found recently though.''

At y/n's,

Y/n was sleeping sound. She hadn't had any dreams of the past life yet but she dreamt of something else. In the dream, she stood in a dark room. There was barely any light present except for the moonlight. She looked around to see a boy standing a bit further.
She also saw Ji ah standing facing the boys back same as y/n. But Ji ah couldn't see y/n. Y/n walked a bit closer to little boy to see who he was but before she could the boy turned to look at them. He was inhumane. He had scales all over his body and his face. Scared, y/n woke up from the nightmare. She was out of breath, covered in sweat.

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