Chapter 1: A Rough Start

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"11 and 12 it's time to wake up"

Twins in a white-patted room began to stir. The two boys had ashy blond hair and stormy grey eyes. They each wore a white long-sleeved shirt and white pants that could almost cover their feet. 11 and 12 looked toward the only pop of colour in the room, a black intercom stuck on the wall. A door was suddenly opened and many people wearing white face masks and white clothing burst through the room. They grab ahold of 11 and 12 dragging them out of the room and through the endless white corridor filled with white doors with different numbers on them. After a few minutes they stopped at a door numbered '204'.  11 and 12 were roughly dragged inside the room. The room was white and filled with medical-type equipment. 11 and 12 were strapped to a bed each, while the other people in the room began fumbling with the white medical-like equipment and sharp needles. The two little boys looked at each other feeling a bit comforted in being able to see one another.

"Ready for injection doctor?" 


2 needles with strange white liquids were passed around. The people in white began getting in their position. there was each 1 person with a needle ready for injection at the 2 boys' side. The needles penetrated their skin leaving 12 and 11 feeling woozy and disoriented. 

"They're still alive..!"

A loud siren rang and a bright red light shone through the once white room, interrupting the experiment. Frantic chaos ensued as the people in white began running out of the room leaving the 2 boys still strapped to the beds. 11 and 12 have never heard something so loud in their entire lives. It was overwhelming. The noise scared them. They didn't know what was happening. All of a sudden there were people in black holding guns swarming the room. They unstrapped the boys one of them took 12 away and the other stayed with 11. 

"Are you alright? I'm officer John and I'm getting you out of here, it's gonna be ok"

11 didn't Answer. He couldn't. Even if he could he wouldn't know what to say. Officer John carried 11 through the red corridor that was once white. 'The world is changing colors again' 11 thought to himself, he didn't like this he wanted his brother back. The officer brought 11 down to a basement with cars around he got them inside a black van where 12 was waiting for him. Without missing a beat the two boys held on to each other, not wanting to be separated again. Officer john closed the car door. The van began to move away into a bright light.

"what's going to happen to us now?" 

12 whispered to his brother. 11 huddled closer to 12. He felt uneasy. The van passed through an exit into the outside world. it's been a year since they saw the outside. the 2 children couldn't take their eyes off the window. Everything was so colourful. They had to quickly burn this image in their mind before they were locked up again. 

They drove for a while. A few hours actually. The siblings weren't complaining though. They liked watching the window as sceneries changed and different people can be seen going about their day. Such a sight felt so foreign to them. 

The van finally stopped. Officer John led the children towards a wide building surrounded by a black fence. 12 noticed children on the other side of the gate. Some were playing others were staring at them as they walked in. 12 never had much contact with other kids he never even spoke to one. He only saw them come and go in the white corridor with the people in white. He never saw so many in one place. He was both intimidated and in awe. 11 on the other hand was in his own little world, blocking everyone and everything out except his brother whom he still had a tight grip on. He did that often. The children quietly followed officer John inside the building. As they walked through the double doors a lady was waiting for them. Her hair was a long and curly, her eyes were brown, she wore a long blue skirt down to her feet and a white t-shirt that was tucked into her skirt, it made her tan skin glow. She watched the twins with a shocked look in her eyes.

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