Chapter 6: Meet the Family

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Miles and Nialls were walking down the never-ending hall with the biggest furball following closely behind. Gael helped them put their stuff away and showed them their new room. Turns out there's a second floor inside their bedroom with a mini library. When Gael got a call unexpectedly he had to leave the room. The twins stayed there for a bit by themselves before Miles decided they should start heading back. 

After getting lost a few times they eventually find themselves in a dining room. there a young man sat. He was big and muscular like henry but had Bedelia's flaming red hair. He had a buzzcut simple jeans and a white t-shirt. He hadn't noticed the twin pair come in due to the pair of headphones he had on while he watched a video on his phone. Nialls had no idea whether he should be grabbing his brother and leaving or staying still and trying to make as little noise as possible. Miles seemed more than happy to stay frozen in place. He did not want to disturb the giant man, to Miles he looked terrifying. 

The man seemed to sense something and looked up from his phone making both Miles and Nialls flinch. He seemed to study the twins for a few seconds before his serious face broke into one of realization.

"Ah... so it's you guys"




"My name's Ray i'm one of your new older brothers"

Both twins looked like a deer in headlights. Ray sighted and got up from his seat, the twins both took a step away from the large figure. Ray furrowed his eyebrows a bit. He wanted to ease their nerves at least a little bit. A strange look suddenly came over his face.

"Stay here"

Ray said to the twins while opening the door to the connected kitchen. He went inside for a few minutes rummaging through cabinets as if looking for something.


Ray came back into the dining room with something behind his back. He slowly crouched down infront of the twins. Nialls had positioned himself infront of his brother. The twin set didn't know what to expect, but they were certainly not expecting two chocolate chip cookies being offered to them. 


Miles was confused but wasn't quite sure how to word his question. Ray gave the twins a calm smile. 

"It's a peace offering"

he explained

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm your big brother"

Nialls still felt suspicious of the man infront of him but like always his more trusting other half extended his hand out to take a cookie. He sighted before doing the same. How was Miles always so scared of people but so trusting of them at the same time?

A comfortable silence fell on the dining room as the twins quietly ate their cookies while Ray watched with a kind smile.

"RaYmONd!!! THe KiDs...!!! I LOST THE KIDSSSS- oh..."

Gael bursted through the dining room panicking but seemed to relax once he saw the twins.

"Found them..."

He gave a cheeky smile. 'It looks like he been running' Miles noted.

"Dumbass... who's bright idea was it to leave you alone with kids?"

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?! You overgrown grizzly bear"

"I told you not to call me that! Do you want to be put on time out?"

"I'm not six anymore you can't put me on time out!!!!!"

Ray and Gael kept bickering back and fort while Nialls quietly judged them and Miles happily ate his cookie while trying to steal his brother's cookie.

Just then an older gentleman wearing your typical butler suit walked in the room with a tired look. 

"Young masters your childish bickering can be heard across the hallway"

The butler pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. 

"But Marvin!!! The overgrown grizzly started it"

Gael whined to the butler. Marvin sighted and checked the clock that hung on the wall. 

"Young master Gael I truly do not care who started this embarrassing display because supper will be served any minute now and I do ask you to stop and think if this is how you want the first supper with the new young masters of the house to go"

Marvin raised an eyebrow as if daring anyone to oppose. Gael simply hung his head in defeat and sat himself down on the table. Ray obediently followed suit. Miles and Nialls not wanting to be scolded also took a seat on the table. Marvin approached the twins with a welcoming smile. 

"A pleasure to meet you master Miles and master Nialls, you may call whenever you need me ill be happy to help, my name is Marvin and i'm the butler of this estate."

Marvin gave the twins a polite bow before making his way towards the kitchen.

A few seconds passed before the door to the dining room flew open yet again and in came Henry and Bedelia accompanying grandma penny and a young boy in a dark purple hoodie and brown shorts. His hair colour resembled Gael's but his hair had no green streaks  it was shorter and much more tame. he had the same green eyes as Bedelia.

Bedelia made her way towards the twins.

"Now that everyone is together in one room, I can finally formally introduce to all of the family. you've already met Gael, and grandma penny but this is your oldest brother Raymond but everyone calls him Ray-

Bedelia gestures toward Ray before turning around and gesturing towards the boy with the purple hoodie

-and he is Alex he is also one of your older brothers"

Bedelia finished speaking before Gael snorted and pointed towards Alex.

"He used to be the baby of the family before you guys now he'll be stuck in the middle just like lil old me~ "

Gael teased Alex whose face lit up in flames.

"Ugh you're so annoying"

Alex said his face looked ready to explode the twins didn't know wether he was angry or embarrassed. 

"Says you"

Gael snickered. Alex was just about to respond when Henry came in between.

"That's enough Alex calm down and Gael stop being annoying"

"Yes father dearest"

Gaels voice was dripping with sass.

Everyone took a seat at the table as people bursted through the room setting loads and loads of food on the table Marvin seemed to be coordinating everything and saying where each dish should be served on which part of the table.

It was a noisy night full of chatter and delicious food. Miles and Nialls couldn't help but relax the atmosphere was just so inviting. 

Strangely enough...

they somehow felt safe. 

Thank you for reading!!!

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Please vote and comment if you like the chapter~ and the next update will be sometime next week

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