Weight Loss

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tips for:

weight loss 💕

💋 #tutorialicious101

• 🍓 get enough sleep:

because, when you're sleep

deprived, you reach for unhealthy

foods, like chips and candy, to get

quick energy hit - even when you

aren't hungry.

– plus, you never feel like exercising!

• 💕 don't skip breakfast:

– when you're in a hurry in the

morning, skipping breakfast may

seem like no big deal, but eating first

thing in the morning gets your

metabolism going.

– you'll feel less hungry all day.

• 🍒 huge portion sizes:

– be aware of what you're eating;

and stop when you're full!

• 💕 eating while distracted:

– 86% of people eat while doing

other things like talking on the

phone, or watching tv, which can

lead to overeating.

– why? your brain doesn't hear your

stomach saying "I'm full" when it's

focused on something else!

• 🍉 liquid calories:

– ease off of soda & switch to water.

– buy a cute water bottle and keep it

in your backpack. you'll be less likely

to grab sugary soda!

• 💕 20-30 mins of physical activity:

– walk your dog, hula-hoop, jump

rope, play a sport, go hiking or


– do stretches before you start

working out. speed up your

metabolism by doing sit-ups,

crunches, push ups, pull ups, etc..

comment "💪" if this is helpful!

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[qotp] what do you do to stay healthy?

tips for teens.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum