TROUBLE (Part 1)

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Three days had passed and just as Vsar and Ellen had hoped, the female crowd grew and they started to become more and more curious about what was happening around the lake, not to mention the Shri'Traccal males. Small groups of women started to come eyeing everything that was happening over by the lake and some who were more daring even offered to help.

After Rhan spoke with Vsar and Ellen to put more men to work on the site, to maintain the balance between the men and women, the site was tidied up and ready to be set up in no time.

As they agreed during the meeting already more than a week ago, the youth had indeed come up with extensive ideas. Most were not feasible, but the fact that they had made so much effort in creating plans for the place and at the same time for both their clans future, was a clear sign to the two leaders that the cooperation between the Shri'Traccal and humans was going well.

"Why is it that you need a wooden floor on the bare ground? Why can't they just dance on the bare ground as it is? I realy don't see the need of it..." Vsar looked at Ellen with his eyebrows raised.

The two had thoroughly ran over the plans submitted by Sasha and the rest, and were now discussing how to proceed. Ellen grinned at her lover's soft grumbling.

"You don't have to understand, sweetheart. Just trust me when I say that the dancefloor is mainly intended to show off skills and to flirt, not to be practical. Well..., partly, because from a practical point of view, an even floor prevents sprained ankles during dancing and parading..."

Vsar shook his head and rolled his eyes. He understood very well that both the men and the women wanted to show off and parade in order to please the opposite sex, even though they were of a different race, but you didn't need a wooden floor for that... On the other hand, he wanted his arena where the men could hold their battles...this also meant that his men could display their warrior skills to the females....

He shrugged his shoulders resignedly, oh why did he even care..., if they wanted a wooden floor, he'd provide them with one...

After reviewing all the plans, they agreed that tomorrow they would start by building a large outdoor kitchen, including an oven and an oversized worktop, surrounded by large, long dining tables and benches.

The open air arena Vsar wanted would be next, just like Hellen's idea, a small indoor shop for bread and treats and last but not least, a wooden stage for the girls to dance on.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw two men lugging large boulders, logs, doors and other large material and he frowned. Why were Birgg and Rhan exhausting themselves...? He'd noticed that, since this morning, Rhan had behaved differently than usual, ... restless, agitated, very different from his usual calm self...

But before he could wonder what was going on with his friend, his wrist gaunlet suddenly started to buzz and he pressed a butten to answer the incomming call.

"Taroc?" It was Gh'ara's and immediately Vsar was on high alert.

"Gh'ara, everything okay?"

"No, Taroc. I think it's wise to order Varsa your way as soon as possible... I don't know what Lararji is planning, but I want the drug to promote pregnancy heading in your direction as soon as possible. If things go wrong here, at least I know the medication is in the right hands..." Vsar sighed.

"I will contact Latarji as soon as possible, but there's something you should know, Gh'ara...I've heard rumors that some Taroc want to join Laraji's side..." A hard-hitting curse rang out on the other end of the line.

"I didn't see that coming, Taroc..." It was clear that the Ikat was enraged by the news Vsar provided him with

"I know... I aleady ordered Rhan to get his men ready in the next couple of days, so if thing go haywire, he can back you up as soon a possible, but I'm going to leave that to your judgement. Once I start activating troops here, the other Taroc will wonder what's going on and questions will be asked... Latarji will be notified and you will have to act that same instance, because you can bet on it, he will hold you accountable... He knows you don't trust him... "

Vsar heard the other man sigh. "Thank you, Vsar... Let Rhan get his team ready... If several Taroc are going to rally behind that Roh'kadi, I'll need all the help I can get..."

Although the man on the other side of the link couldn't see him, Vsar nodded in agreement. "Don't worry... Rhan will be ready and wait for your signal. But If I don't hear from you in four days, I'm going to send him to Europe anyway."

The voice on the other end was curt. "Fine, but make sure Varsa can come your way as soon as possible, I don't want him here when things go to hell..., the drugs are to important..."

Vsar smiled. Although Gh'ara was a cold killing machine and they weren't on the same page with a lot of things, the male was't a mindless soldier. He knew very well what was at stake for the survival of the Shri'Traccal and humanity.

"I couldn't agree more. So to get this straight..., I will send Latarji a message asking him to send Varsa this way, due to my deteriorating health condition, you just make sure that Varsa has the injections on him.

Second, I will make sure that Rhan has his men ready for departure within the next three days. And Gh'ara, I want you to give a daily signal that everything is okay, if I don't hear from you..., I'm going to assume that something has happened and I will send Rhan with his men your way..."

Gh'ara grunted. "I will send a daily signal between five and six every morning..., alright? ...I have to go..." Before Vsar could reply, the connection was broken.

"What was that all about?" Ellen had been listening quietly to the men's conversation, and although Vsar had told her about the drugs and the Taroc that had been develloping them, she hadn't realised there was much more at stake.

Vsar sight. "Nothing you should worry about..."

That hit a nerve with Ellen and she sat up straight.

"What the hell do you mean by 'Nothing to worry about...'? Get it through that thick skull of your's, Vsar, I'm not one of your females!! This concerns me as much as you! I thought we were going to combine our two clans? Well, just to be clear...what happens to your clan, happens to mine as well! So spit it out!!"

His eyebrows shot up when he heard the angry tone in her voice. "I'm sorry if I came across rude, Ellen, but women shouldn't be involved in war affairs."

Her pursed lips and the poisonous look in her eyes made it difficult for Vsar to hold back his laugh. If she'd had the chance, she'd have bitten his head off, he was sure about that.

"But you're right, we're not on Vallah and you're not a Shri'Traccal woman... I'll do my best to take this into account..."

"Take this in account? Hah! You'd better get rid of that sexist behavior this instant, Vsar. Or, by god, you'll personally find out how I'm waging war and you're not going to like that one hell of a bit, trust me!"

Without looking at him again, she got up abruptly and marched away, leaving Vsar completely flabbergasted.

"I'm going to try...! Hah, he better change that attitude!" Ellen growled under her breath.

Uncharted allies. Combining two worlds, part 1(Un-edited version)Where stories live. Discover now