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Just three weeks ago, Sasha would never have thought of walking up to one of the tall Shri'Traccal men and hugging him for all to see, and that's exactly what she planned to do now.

Even before her grandma and Vsar decided to work together, well collaboration..., although it soon became clear to everyone that there was more going on between those two than just a platonic collaboration, Sasha had already secretly met a bunch of the younger Shri'Traccal men.

And she was more than delighted when her grandmother told her and of course the other women of her clan, about the invitation she'd d received from the Shri'Traccal leader to meet up.

At the time, she should have kept the encounters, she and a few other girls had with some of the younger men secret from the rest of her clan, but even the girls in her group didn't know that she had met one of those guys more than once all by herself...

Ohhh, there was no doubt about it, she had fallen hard for Ri'kil.

That's why it bothered her, that he wasn't allowed to belong to the first group that was set up to build a bridge between the women and men.

Of course she understood why he wasn't allowed to be there, and she'd known perfectly well that, if she hadn't had such a strong influence on the other young girls, her grandmother wouldn't have left her in the first group as punishment either.

It was a good thing her grandmother didn't know everything!

Oh, she hadn't faked a shocked face when she saw the video of the naked Shr'Traccal man at her grandmother's that night. But to see a man's genitals grow from nothing to... well, gigantic before her eyes, was something other than fidgeting in the dark...

The only thing she had faked was the fear of losing her virginity by such a device..., frankly she already knew that this was quite painful experience...

"Hey handsome!" Sasha wrapped her arms around Ri'kil's waist and pressed her face against his back.

Immediately the tall warrior seized her hands, spread them apart, dropped to one knee with a graceful gesture and turned on his axis. Quickly he swung his muscular arms her around her waist and got up to his feet again in one smooth motion, holding his girl tightly in his arms.

"Hello gorgeous, what brings you here? Didn't you have to check the medicine supply with Baska?" Ri'kils smile widened as he was looking down at the pretty girl in his arms.

Although he had challenged Baska two days ago and had clearly won the right to court Sasha, he was not happy that his girl and his former opponent had to work together, by orders of the Tároc, to check the medi kitts that Rhán was going to take Europe.

Giggling, she clutched his broad shoulders at his sudden movement.

"Do I hear a jealous undertone, my dear Ri'kil?" Sasha looked at him teasingly with her big, doe eyes.

Sasha could still remember the fight between the two ruffs, and the memory sent a shiver down her spine. Carefully she ran the tip of her finger over the ragged wound that ran from his temple to his neck.

"Just a little, I..." The rest of his words got cut off by Sasha.

"I want tocome to Europe with you..."

Ri'kil's smile faded and he drew his lips back in a snarl.. "No! Impossible! Woman don't go to wars! It's far to dangerous, I forbid it, you're not coming along!"

Sasha jerked her head back and looked at him with a deadly look. "Excuse me...?" Her voice was no more than a whisper and she looked at him furiously with big, wide eyes...

"Really, Ri'kil? You forbid me?"

Out ofnowhere she tried to struggle like a madmad to break free from his embrace. She pushed and punched him every where possible.

Ri'kil's eyes widened in surprise at so much fury. He'd never seen a female with so much rage, but stubborn as he was, he refused to let go of his girl.

"LET GO OF ME, YOU.., YOU.., YOU INCREDIBLE AROGANT ASSHOLE!!!" And she slapped him hard on the cheek, something that cost her dearly, as she slammed her hand full against the base of his horn.

"OW OW OW!!!" Big tears ran down her cheeks from the pain, her good hand clutched her painful one and pressed it to her chest.

"Ow, ow, ouch! I think I broke something, Ri'kil! Why do you have to have those fucking horns growin' out of your face...?"

Hearing her sad grumbles, Ri'kil laughed. "Maybe you shouldn't be such a hothead, beautiful! You don't belong in the line of fire, eyséah, that's obvious now, isn't it?"

Despite the pain in her hand, her teary eyes shot fire. "I don't want to be in the line of fire at all! I want to be a nurse, to help, you stupid alligator!" She muttered.

Unimpressed by her grumbling, he shook his head. "That's why Baska and a few other healers are coming! Women don't belong in a warzone!"

With her painful hand pressed firmly against her chest, she wiped the tears from her face with a savage gesture of her good hand.

"OHHH, you dumass! Think, Ri'kil! Do you think that those captured and tortured woman over there want to be touched by Baska or some other 'Shri' guy?

Really?... OF COURSE NOT, BRAINLESS! THAT'S WHY I WANT TO JOIN! To help those women! Now you understand?"

Ri'kil hadn't thought of that, and he suspected that neither his Tároc nor Tároc Ellen had thought about this... His beautiful, spunky girl had a point, though... Those women were traumatized and probably didn't want to be touched by any of the Shri men... He couldn't blame those women...

Without a single word, Ri'kil walked over to one of the new dining tables that had been placed by the lake two days ago, and set her on top of one. Carefully he took her small hand in his large claw and turned it around gently to see if it was indeed broken, luckily it wasn't.

"Ri'kil! Why don't you say anything?" her voice was brisk, but there was also uncertainty in it.

When he had made sure that her hand had not been broken, he looked at her again. "Well, first.. Your hand fine, it's not broken. Second... Maybe you're right, abput the women, I just don't want you to come with me to a war zone, Sasha... You know damn well why..."

With a gentle gesture, Sasha placed her good hand on his cheek, just above the base of his horn, and looked at him with an understanding smile.

"Yes, I know I have to watch it, but I'm not going to fight, Ri'kil, I won't come onto the compount until it's safe enough for me to do so. Look, I've talked to Rhán about it, and although he wasn't to happy about the though either, he didn't object.

But... he told me you had to aprove as well, as you are my... man..." Her cheeks turned red as she said those words out loud for the first time.

A wide grin appeared in Ri'kils face. "Your man, huh! So... Does this mean that I can call you mine, from now on? No more fake courting?"

With one hand she pulled his face closer until his horns were on either side of her face, and she kissed him deeply. "No more fake courting, handsome, I'm yours and you're mine..." And kissed him again.

"And I'm coming with with you when you go to Europe..."

Uncharted allies. Combining two worlds, part 1(Un-edited version)Where stories live. Discover now