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It was hard to see his girl in so much pain and not be able to do anything. Ri'kil lowered his head to his eye to gently press his forehead against hers, careful not to poke his horns into her face.

"I'm sorry eyséah...I wish I could take the pain away..." Sasha just nodded and closed her eyes as another contraction came in.

Somewhere in the distance, Ri'kil heard the doctor pressering Sasha to push, but his attention was mostly focused on the face of his beloved, when suddenly...

A strange soft wail came from the doctors side, and with a furrowed brow the young warrior lifted his head and looked where the strange sound came from.

His breath stuck in his throat as the doctor carefully lifted a small bundle from between the legs of his beloved Sasha with a wide grin.

Two small fists thumped wildly around and the soft wailing sound changed into a deafening screech.

"What is it?" With confused eyes, Ri'kil looked into those of Sasha. What it was? He had no idea!

Unable to speak, he gave a pleading look to the doctor who gave them a triumphant grin.

"Congratulations, you two just brough a very healthy baby daughter to this world!"

His eyes wandered from the doctor to the baby and back to his girl and he felt his legs go weak and flopped unelegantly into the chair behind him. He would rather fight with a hundred opponents than experience another birth, but he had a daughter!

Sasha's hand gripped his tightly and gave him a tired but radiant smile. "We did it! We have a baby girl!"

Ri'kil nodded and leaned in gently to kiss Sasha on the mouth. "You did it, eyséah! I'm so incredibly proud of you!"

When he leaned back again and looked beside him, he saw that the nurse and Baska had walked away with the baby and adrenaline shot through his body. WHERE IN THE FATES NAME WERE THEY TAKING HIS DAUGHTER?!

Seeing the panic in her lover's eyes, Sasha quickly grabbed his hand to prevent him from rushing after the Baska and the nurse and accidentally injuring them.

"There's nothing wrong, honey. They just took her for a checkup, that's all!" Suspiciously, Ri'kil looked from Sasha to Nora, who nodded affirmatively.

"Just go over to the office and you can see that nothing is wrong... but don't disturb them and let them do their job!"

This he did not hesitate and with long strides he marched to the door that led to the adjoining office and poked his head around the corner of the door. A sense of relief washed over him as he watched Baska gently hold the baby in his large clutches and reporting his findings to the nurse.

Quickly Ri'kil looked behind him to see how his beloved was doing and saw how the female doctor was busy with the after care.

Nora's eyes met those of the young father and her smile widened. Once again she was happy with her stubborn mother and ditto daughter, without them they wouldn't be here now and she wouldn't have had a healthy granddaughter.

Ri'kil turned back to look at his daughter, who lay on the heated table screaming angrily and thrashing violently.

After what seemed like hours, the examination was finally completed and he saw his daughter's tiny body wrapped in a warm blanket.

With a big grin on his lips, Baska walked towards the hot-headed warrior with the little girl firmly in his arms. "Never thought you would be the first to have a young, rokadi! Congratulations!" And placed the little bundle in the man's arms.

With a slight sense of glee he watched Ri'kil's eyes widen with fear at the sight of the delicate bundle beeing placed in his arms.

"If you're going to sit down with Sasha you can hand her over to your mate." and walked past the warrior with a triumphant grin on his face..

Flabbergasted, Ri'kil looked at Sasha. Now what? What if he dropped his daughter?!

Sasha saw the fear in his eyes, moved to make room and patted the bed with her hand. "Come sit here sweetheart, I'll hold her and you can hold me..."

Ri'kil breathed a sigh of relief and hurried over to the bed, handed her their daughter and carefully sat down next to his girl. With a rapidly beating heart he watched as she placed the little one snugly in her arms and his heart swelled with pride at the sight of the little girl.

Cautiously he reached with his big claw for one of the little fists protruding above the blanket and to his surprise the little thing gripped his finger tightly. His eyes wandered all over the small squirming body.

Like him, she had light green, scaly skin and little claws on her fingertips, but she had her mother's human hair and soft little full lips. Since her eyes were closed, he couldn't see the color of her eyes, but that didn't bother him. This girl was really a mix of him and his beloved Sasha.

"What are you going to name her?" Nora, had sat down on a stool next to the bed and was stroking the little girl's chubby cheeks.

Sasha looked up at the tall warrior beside her and gave him a nod.

"First I'm going to get the rest if you don't mind." And after giving Sasha a wink, he got up and walked to the door.

Within seconds, Vsar, Ellen, and Birgg were inside and crowded around the bed to look at the tiny creature in Sasha's arms.

Ellen stroked her granddaughter's cheeks and looked at her with misty eyes. "She's beautiful, dear! You two made a beautiful girl!"

Birgg and Vsar stood beside the young father and gave him a teasing grin. "You're going to have a lot of fun when she's going to hit puberty and starts making all the boys go crazy!"

But for the first time since the baby was born Ri'kil felt calm and he looked at his Tároc with a wide grin. "I'm going to make sure my little girl will be able to defend herself well against pushy lads, don't worry." and his gaze drifted to Sasha who gave him a proud wink.

Ellen rose from her stooped position and looked from her granddaughter to Ri'kil. "Good to know, but.. please tell me, what will my great-granddaughter's name be?"

The room fell silent and Sasha and Ri'kil looked at each other and laughed.

"Sarell... Her name is Sarell." Ri'kil looked from Ellen to Vsar. "We wanted to name the baby after you and Taroc Vsar because the two of you brought us together..."

"Owww!" Big fat tears began to flow and Ellen wrapped her arms around the young warrior.

Uncharted allies. Combining two worlds, part 1(Un-edited version)Where stories live. Discover now