4 | together

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08:10 pm


THE atmosphere was electrifying as the two sisters' nikkah ceremony was about to commence. The Khan family was in a flurry of emotions, with tears of joy and excitement flowing freely. The chaos of the preparations only added to the frenzy, as everyone worked tirelessly to ensure that this special day was perfect for the two shehzadian. It was a momentous occasion that would forever be etched in the hearts of everyone present.

The nikkah ceremony was kept modest and intimate, with only the immediate family in attendance. Arbaaz Khan believed in simplicity and did not want to spend extravagantly on his daughters' weddings. He wanted to avoid any negative influence on their married lives. Nowadays, it has become common to have grand and lavish weddings, but this is not in accordance with Islamic values. Therefore, the family chose to keep the nikkah simple yet perfect.

Khushboo was fully prepared for her nikkah, both mentally and physically. She had been eagerly anticipating it for the last six months ever since she got engaged to her soon-to-be spouse. It was as though they had fallen in love with each other at first sight, and they both agreed to the marriage after their first meeting.

Abeer was feeling extremely nervous about the upcoming event. Her heart was racing and she couldn't shake off the negative thoughts that kept creeping into her mind. She was worried about the unknown future and all the things that could go wrong. What if things didn't turn out the way she imagined? What if she made a mistake? The uncertainty was making her feel very uneasy.

"Ma'am, please sit straight. I'm going to eye line your eyes, it'll smudge if you move so much." The beautician requested, making Abeer drown in guilt.

The sweet girl smiled and cleared her mind of any negative thoughts. This was a fresh start, and she knew she had to stay optimistic. The love of Allah for his creations is greater than that of 70 mothers! If Khadijah adored her daughter so deeply, then one can only imagine the boundless love of Allah.

Abeer whispered to herself, reminding her inner self to have complete reliance on Allah and not to let negative thoughts take hold. It was as if she was comforting her younger, 12-year-old vulnerable self, who had faced trauma in the past.

In a few minutes, the beautician was done with Abeer's makeup, feeling proud of her work. "You're all ready, ma'am. You look absolutely beautiful" Abeer was completely mesmerized by what she saw in the mirror. She took a few moments to catch her breath and admire her reflection. The girl staring back at her was simply stunning, and she couldn't help but feel grateful for her natural beauty.

"Thank you so much for your hard work, I love it" Abeer exclaimed, the beautician had perfected the look she wanted; not too strong, not too light. just right. She had been tired of the glam makeup looks going around, she always preferred something light and a little bit of glam.

The two sisters exchanged glances. "You look so beautiful, Abeer! Arham ki toh zindagi set hai" Khushboo whispered, causing Abeer to turn even redder under her subtle makeup. Khushboo giggled at her sister's shyness.

"shukriya, you look absolutely beautiful yourself, baji. Ek minute, let me pin your hijab properly" Abeer struggled to hold back her tears as she saw her sister, the beautiful bride, standing before her. The elder sister noticed Abeer's emotions and complimented her, but Abeer couldn't help feeling a deep sadness inside. She knew that things would never be the same again, and the thought of her sister starting a new life without her was almost too much to bear.

Khadijah appeared at the door, looking quite stunning herself. "Chalo (come on) you two, we have to leave for the wedding hall. Wear your abaya asap!" The mother ordered, with teary eyes.

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