Confusing Feelings

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The building was warm but poorly lit, casting an eerie glow across the walls and over the bar. The smell of beer, sweat, and greasy noodles drifted through the air. It was pretty quiet for that time in the evening. The dinner rush had gone home, but a few stragglers (some of them drunk) remained. At the end of the line of bar stools sat a single man. He, unlike the others, hadn't come with friends and didn't partake in any drinking, only ordering a simple meal of skillet fried salmon and broccoli. He was quiet keeping to himself, but no one escaped his wondering gaze. If one were to stare into his intense gaze one might see the sadness and fear that laid behind, but most were either too drunk or tired to do so. That was why he was there. It was safer this way. Better to avoid getting tracked. It was a force of habit now really. He had been running for so long now, he couldn't even imagine what a decent restaurant might be like, let alone a home. He missed normal life. He missed it so much his entire body ached for it. The freedom to do what he wanted, to be around who he wanted, go where he wanted without the worry of capture. What was he even running for anymore?!! It had been years since he last encountered...them. Maybe it was time? Maybe it was safe to come back out of hiding?

"In other news, Gabriel Agreste has done it again, releasing his newest fall fashion line earlier this week, but that wasn't all."

A picture of a smiling eighteen-year-old girl with bluebell eyes and raven hair came up onto the screen as the news anchor continued on, but the man couldn't hear him. It was her! She was only eight last time he saw her all those years ago, but she looked so much like her mother that he could tell in an instant. He missed her so much. Maybe it was time? Maybe it was finally safe to go see her after all this time?


Marinette tossed and turned in her bed, mumbling to herself, becoming loud enough to wake Tikki early that morning. She watched as her owner grew more and more upset, tears flowing down her cheeks at one point till she suddenly bolted upright with a loud gasp, clutching her chest like she had been hit. Eventually the frightened girl realized it was a dream and settled down, but only a little. Tikki could sense there was something wrong, but she knew what lengths Marinette often went through to make sure Tikki didn't know about these things, so she opted not to say anything. Her master would open up in time, if she needed it.


Marinette bolted up out of bed, breathing rapid and her heart beating heavily. The echo of screaming and blazing fire still fresh in her subconscious. It was a bad was only a dream. She told herself over and over again. Adrenaline was still pumping so hard her hands were shaking, making it impossible to fall back asleep so she decided to read for a little while in hopes of calming down. After about an hour, her phone dinged. It was Natalie.

N - Gabriel requests your assistance at this morning's photo shoot. We will send a limo at 8.

Marinette checked the clock. 7:30. She didn't have much time. Luckily, it was Saturday, which meant no school, so she hurried out of bed and got ready for the day before heading downstairs to get picked up. The limo then drove her to the Hôtel de Sully, where the shoot was being done. Marinette marveled at the building as she exited the car. It was so large and extravagant, and to think this was what Agreste labels used for a photo shoot!! Natalie came out to meet the limo and briskly led Marinette inside. It was unlike anything Marinette could have imagined. The crown molding, the intricately carved furniture, even the smell screamed french aristocracy.

 The crown molding, the intricately carved furniture, even the smell screamed french aristocracy

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