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~~Eight Months Later~~

Marinette stood in front of her bedroom mirror, admiring the new dress she had created.

"You look beautiful, Marinette!"

Tikki beamed.

"Yes, radiant even."

Nasya added. Marinette giggled at the two kwamis. Since learning she was also the holder of the phoenix miraculous, Nasya had been staying with Marinette, and her and Tikki couldn't be any cuter. Things were going great after the 'accident', since that was what they were calling it. Her and Adrien continued to date for the rest of the school year, much to everyones satisfaction, and graduated top of their class. Marinette started taking over most of the design work for Agreste Labels as Gabriel started to retire so he could spend more time with his wife, while Adrien continued to model, exclusively for Marinette's designs, and became CEO of the company. News of the 'Dynamic Fashion Duo' being an actual couple sent their popularity through the roof. Ichigo had finally settled into a nice apartment not too far from the bakery and became part of the family. Once Tom and Sabine found he was Marinette's biological brother, they treated him like their own son. Everything was looking up. Things couldn't be better. A sudden ding of the doorbell brought Marinette out of her thoughts.

"Marinette, Adrien's here."

Sabine called from downstairs.

"Thanks, Mom."

Marinette called back.

"Are you excited for tonight?"

Nasya asked, excitedly spinning in circles.

"Naysa, it's just a little date, nothing special."

Marinette explained in between giggles.

"You guys have fun tonight, macaroons and jalapenos (I figured that was a good food for a fire bird) are down in the kitchen if you get hungry."


Both kwamis called as Marinette made her way downstairs.

"Hello, My Lady. You look absolutely beautiful this evening."

Adrien said, with a bow.

"What no cat puns tonight? I'm surprised at you, Kitty."

Marinette noticed the suddenly look of nervousness in his eyes, but it disappeared as fast as it came so she decided to drop it. The date itself was wonderful. They went to dinner, followed by a hunt for Andre's ice cream cart, then went to the movies before heading to the Eiffel Tower to watch the sun set (there favorite past time as the superhero duo).

"Did you have a good night, M'Lady?"

Adrien purred. Marinette hummed.

"Tonight was wonderful. I couldn't have asked for a better one."

"That brrrrings joy to my ears, Princess. But there's one more thing on the agenda tonight."

He smiled, pulling a blindfold out of his pocket.

"What is this!!?"

Marinette said with a smirk.

"You'll see. Turn around."

Marinette did as she was told and let Adrien place the blindfold over her eyes.

"Plagg, Claws Out!"

Marinette let out a yelp as Adrien suddenly scooped her up in his arms and leapt off the tower back down to the rooftops. It didn't take long to reach their new destination, and once they had, Adrien let Marinette back down and removed the blindfold.

"Claws in."

When Marinette saw where they were, she was confused. They were standing beside a fountain. It was a light tan, circular in shape, and had two cupids near the top, with their bows pointing in two opposite directions.

"Do you remember this place?"

Adrien whispered, sending a shiver down her spine. Marinette racked her brain, trying to remember why this place was significant.

"This is where me and you kissed for the first time."

Suddenly, Marinette remembered that day when she and Chat Noir faced Dark Cupid together, when she had to kiss him to break a spell the akuma had him under.

"I remember it now. In fact, that was four years ago today, wasn't it?"

Marinette said with a weary smile. No way that was a coincidence. What was he planning? It was in wondering this that Marinette began to really look around and noticed a single wrapped present sitting on the fountain ledge.

"What's this?"

She said, picking it up.

"It's for you. Open it."

He urged. Doing as she was told, Marinette carefully removed the ribbon and paper and found a picture frame. Inside the picture frame was a photo of a beautiful house.

(This is what the picture looked like)

"It's beautiful! Thank you."

Marinette exclaimed, admiring the picture.

"Actually, the house is the gift."

Suddenly, Adrien got down on one knee and pulled a ring box out of his coat pocket.

"Marinette, I love you. I've been drawn to you since the day we met. You've always been there for me, whether as Ladybug or as Marinette, even if I didn't see it at times. If you accept, I want this house to be where we spend the rest of our lives together. I see us living in that house as man and wife, I see our children running through the halls and playing in the yard, and I see us growing old together. But I promise that threw everything, all the ups and downs, I will never stop loving you with all my heart till the day I die and beyond. So, Marinette Hayami Hua Hymitso Dupain-Cheng, will you do me the honor of excepting my hand in marriage?"

Marinette stared. She looked at the ring in his hand, then back at him, then down at the picture in her hands, then back at him. What more could she say?



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