Chapter 13

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That weekend, Gracie woke up feeling like she had a new lease on life. She started the day with her prayers, devotion and beauty routine. With her hair as smooth and straighter than ever, she put on her favorite yellow sundress. Her makeup was applied flawlessly, with shiny pink lips and beautiful hybrid lashes.

When Gracie walked downstairs, her mom's jaw dropped at the sight of her. "Ah ah, where are you going looking like this, Iya?"

Gracie twirled, "I look good, huh?"

"Good? You are looking great! Just like me when I was in my twenties! Where are you going?"

"I'm finally going to go pack out my stuff, and then I need to give back this ring and these stupid earrings he gave."

"Haa, are you sure? If you sell it, ha, for even 3 years you won't need to work."

"I'm sure mummy, you don't know how petty he can get. It's best that the chapter is closed for good, and that no traces are left behind."

"That useless boy." Gracie's mom scowled. "Ode. I regret that it was him and not his older one."

"Mummy!" Gracie's face heated up, "Now why would you say that?"

"What? It's true! I'm not allowed to talk again? See how sweet and gentle he was the other night when he came over! As rich as he is, he washed his own plate after eating. If it was that idiot, chaiiii, the whole neighborhood would hear him talking yappa, yappa, yappa."

"He was pretty chatty, huh?" Gracie snickered. "What a nightmare. That's why it's with joy I drop off this ring."

"How are you getting there? Have you called a taxi?"

"Yup! They should be outside, I'll be home in a few hours." Gracie hugged her mom and went about her day.

Not too long after, Gracie was pulling up to the long driveway of the Ayad family. The sight alone gave her a stomach ache, she knew that she very well may be walking into a hostile environment. Gracie felt much less prepared to see the family now that she was actually there.

With a big, deep breath in and out, Gracie made her way to the front door.

The sudden cold feet she had was unbearable. In a last minute effort to avoid attention, she sent Dabir a text asking him to open the door for her. She felt as though ringing the doorbell would elicit unwanted attention, and she knew if she saw him she would feel much more grounded.

After sending the message, several agonizing minutes went by before the sound of the deadbolt unlocking pulled Gracie back into reality.

Dabir opened the door. It was Gracie's first time seeing him not in business attire. Fresh out the shower, his wavy hair was wet and his clothes casual. For the first time, Gracie was able to notice the width of his biceps, her eyes traveled to the veins on his large hands. Has he always looked like this? She wondered to herself.

While Gracie absent-mindedly was checking out Dabir, he was using everything in his power to avoid doing the same. Gracie had always looked beautiful to him, to everyone for that matter. She exuded feminine energy everywhere she went, and of all the things one could call her, it could never be ugly.

But there was something different about that day.

Maybe it was the way the sweet and subtle scent of her perfume flooded his senses, or the way her yellow dress contrasted against her deep, brown skin. Perhaps it was how soft her skin looked. Who could tell? It very well may have been her big brown doll-eyes looking up at him. He looked the other way and asked, "Today's the day, huh?"

"I guess so!.. Gotta' get all my things, so you guys can turn my room into a nursery." She joked.

Dabir let out a quick breath, it still was not a laughing matter to him, he probably would never find it funny. He opened the door wider so that Gracie could pass through. "Just so you know, they are all home."

"I'll be in and out, hopefully gone before anyone even notices that I'm h–"

"Gracie!" Mr. Ayad yelled in excitement and shock. He was rounding the corner from his study and heard her voice. His heart skipped a beat when he saw her in the flesh. "Come here, come! Tonight we will feast in order to welcome you home! A proper celebration!"

Mr. Ayad wanted nothing more than for a girl like Gracie to end up with his sons. She was beautiful, kind, educated and it didn't hurt that she was of faith and held on to her convictions. He made his way across the room to give her a hug, but stopped in his tracks when he noticed Gracie's expression.

"Mr. Ayad, I–"

"Gracie, no! No, no no, don't tell me bad news this morning."

"I'm sorry, I just can't do it. I can't be with him anymore."

"Why? Why?! Saheed is VERY sorry, he will never disappoint you again! I will make sure of it. Please.Try to forgive him. In your Christian Bible it says to forgive, no?"

"Sir, this isn't a forgiveness matter. I'm able to forgive him, but that doesn't mean I have to ever speak to him again. God doesn't want me to be subjected to all that." She put her hands up, "He got a close friend of mine pregnant, that's kind of a big deal, I'm sorry."

Mr. Ayad looked at Dabir with pleading eyes, silently begging for him to help convince her. Dabir shook his head no, there was no convincing. Mr. Ayad was defeated and now desperate for his son's sake. "Gracie, you name the amount, anything. It can be a house, a car, whatever you want. Anything."

"This is really uncomfortable for me."

Dabir tensed up, he was not about to sit back and watch his dad pester Gracie about Saheed anymore, Dabir felt offended that his father would even attempt to pay her off. He shot his dad a warning look, and in that moment Mr. Ayad threw in the towel. He took a step out of Gracie's way and allowed her to continue with her plans to go and pack.

When she left the room, Mr. Ayad looked at Dabir, "Why is she being stubborn about this?"

"Baba, is that the question you would ask if it were Sarai in her shoes?"

"It's different, Dabir, don't ask questions like that." He sighed, leaning his weight against the kitchen counter, he then looked Dabir up and down noticing the casual dressing. "You're not going into work today?"

"It's Saturday."

"Of course. But... Usually you go everyday? I hope there's no problem."

"No problem, Baba."

For a brief and fleeting moment, Dabir was re-offended. How could his dad be shocked that he's not working his usual seven day work week, when his other son has never worked a day in his life? Dabir shook off the offense, he never wanted to hold on to the negative feelings as they only slowed him down.

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