Chapter 20

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The few weeks of peace were nice while they lasted, but as Dabir drove, he found himself tense and on edge. He was driving to the hospital to see his estranged brother for the first time in months.

Mr. Ayad confessed that he let it slip to Mrs. Ayad about Dabir and Gracie's marriage. Mrs. Ayad immediately went to Saheed, and it went downhill from there. Saheed had drunk and pill-popped himself to a stupor. A night club attendant found him unresponsive and slumped against the floor with his wallet emptied out.

When Dabir got to the hospital, he rushed inside to see his family. In the lobby, he was immediately confronted by an inconsolable Mrs. Ayad. She was filled with disgust and hatred. With red eyes and black streaks of eyeliner running down her face she stood up and marched right to Dabir, slamming both hands against his chest. In hysterics, she yelled, "You did this! You did this to him! How could you do this to your own brother?"

Dabir did not respond. He let out a deep breath as she continued to fling out all sorts of curses at him. Mr. Ayad wrapped both arms around Mrs. Ayad and squeezed tightly, "YA! What's gotten into you, woman? Conduct yourself!"

"It's that EVIL son of yours who caused this! You took his true love away from him!" She screamed. Two of the head-housegirls quickly came to Mrs. Ayad's side and ushered her into the hallway for comfort.

Mr. Ayad ran a hand through his sparse hair as he watched his wife walk away. There were tears in Mr. Ayad's eyes as well. "My son, don't mind her."

"It's okay." Dabir responded calmly. "How is he?"

"He...He will live, but...He will need dialysis, his kidneys have failed."

Dabir let out a big breath. It felt like he got punched in the gut. Though he didn't speak to Saheed, he still cared. "Is he awake?"

"Room 306B. Do you want to go see him?"

"Yes. I will go alone."

As he stepped forward, Mr. Ayad caught a glimpse of the yellow gold wedding band on Dabir's finger. "Ya... How is she?"

Dabir caught his dad's glance at the ring. "She's fine. She's at home."

"Okay— My son, I know it might feel odd, but please, reconsider moving back in with us. You are the heir to our throne, it's not right for you to be far."

"Baba, it's not the time for this."

"Yes! It is! Yasmeen might be upset, but she won't stay upset forever. It would be an honor for me to welcome you and your wife back."

Dabir's eyes narrowed, he wondered if his father could even hear how silly he sounded. "How do you expect me to subject my wife to that?"

"To what? I loved her like I love Sarai!" He huffed, offended that Dabir would question him. "It was our Imam who told me that Gracie was destined to be an Ayad, that's why I celebrated when you told me of your marriage with. So how can you now question what she would be subjected to? Am I that horrible of a father to you?"

"Baba." Dabir let out a breath. "I won't move my wife into the same home Saheed and your wife are in. I won't be discussing this matter further."

And with that, Dabir turned and walked off to Room 306B. Despite their brotherhood being estranged, Dabir still cared. He lightly knocked on the door before opening it up and taking a step in. A nurse was finishing up a lab draw on him, she shyly excused herself as Dabir and Saheed silently looked at each other.

Saheed laid his head back on his pillow, staring up at the ceiling. "Surprised to see you here."

"I imagined." Dabir replied. He sat down across the room, and put his elbows to his knees. "We need to talk."

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