Chapter 14

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It was about two hours of undistracted work before Gracie had packed all of her belongings up. Though it did feel bittersweet, she had already grown an attachment to the help staff, Sarai, Mr. Ayad, Dabir... Even though the long commute to work had become something she started to enjoy, she looked forward to chit-chatting with Mr. Hakime about therapy modalities; he found them all so fascinating.

Opening the bedroom door wide, Gracie held her head high and began pulling her luggage along. In the hallway Raamatu saw her, she looked both ways and sneakily approached Gracie, doing her best to avoid being seen by Mrs. Ayad.

Gracie opened her arms wide and the two embraced. Raamatu deeply valued and appreciated Gracie's kindness.. She was the first person other than Dabir to treat her like a human in that house. Raamatu's eyes watered as she reminisced on all of the times Gracie had come to her defense or snuck her a dessert. "You deserve better."

"YOU deserve better, so much better." Gracie noticed the tears on Raamatu's face, and wiped them away. "Oh please don't do that! I'm not dying, Raamatu, please don't cry."

"All of us on staff had prayed things would work out, if you were here to stay, things would be so much better."

Gracie felt a rush of sadness and guilt hit her. She saw the way that Mrs. Ayad and Saheed treated the staff, it was disgusting, but still Gracie knew she had to put herself first in this situation. "I'm sorry, but you know I can't stay with him."

"By God's grace, you will get an even better man for a husband. When that time comes, let me know, I will come work for you."

Gracie hugged Raamatu tightly and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Saying goodbye was always tough, but this one really hurt her.

Gracie carried on with her luggage, Raamatu helping her with a bag as well. All she had to do was pass through the living room and kitchen, and she would be free of the Ayad family.

Right as she was just about to open the front door, from the top of the staircase Saheed saw her.

He ran down as fast as he could "Gracie!"

When Gracie saw him coming, she took her bag from Raamatu and said, "Take care of yourself."

She quickly took her things and went out the front door, the last thing she wanted to deal with is Saheed's sob story, just him saying her name made her sick.

Outside, Gracie's taxi was late. She knew it would be just moments before Saheed caught up,

"Great." She muttered under her breath.

"Gracie! Baby, wait!" Saheed called out just a few feet behind her.

Gracie's eyes rolled, as she turned back to face him. "What could you possibly want from me? Haven't you taken enough time from me?!"

"Baby, you haven't picked up any of my calls?! Why?!"

"Why? Is that a real question?"

He sealed his lips shut and nodded his head, "That was a dumb question, sorry, just—just, please, come back inside, let's talk this through."

"Everything I need is out here." She coldly responded, "Your ring is on my nightstand, It should fit Alexis just fine though."

"Baby,forget about her! What happened, means nothing—I was stupid, okay? It's just that I–I I'm a man! I have needs, Gracie, you insist on waiting until marriage and it's just not easy for me, no guy could do that!"

"Oh my gosh." Gracie put a hand over her mouth, pretending to be sad, "You're so right! I'm so sorry, Saheed! I shouldn't have been so clear and upfront about my personal values. This is all my fault! I'm so sorry I made you get my FRIEND PREGNANT, you dog."

"So what, you're going to throw away all that we have over this?" He paused, growing in frustration. He took a step back and pointed to the mansion and cars that surrounded him. "You're going to give up all this? This is the life you're quitting because of one mistake that we can fix?!"


Saheed grabbed her arm. "Just like that?! You're going to let another girl come in?! Gonna give up this dream life?! All the shoes, bags, diamonds, vacations, wi–"

"That's the difference between me and you. I don't worship money, I worship God." She snatched her arm away from him. "I'm happily forfeiting this so-called dream life to Alexis. Let's see how well she does with your six personalities."

The look of desperation turned into Saheed's familiar look of unjustified anger. "This is your last chance."

"And I'm telling you I don't want it! Leave me alone, go read a parenting book or something."

"I don't even want to be with her!!!" He shouted harshly, causing Gracie to flinch.

In the nick of time the taxi cab rolled up. Gracie was more than grateful to be ending the conversation at that point. She walked her bags over as the driver helped her put her luggage in the back. Saheed watched silently.

And just like that, she was gone. With no more room in her heart for Saheed ever again.

Inside the house, it was quiet, as if everyone had gone into grieving. They were all in the living room, with the tv playing some movie in the background. Mr. Ayad sat like someone who had witnessed death, while his wife who was next to him, smirked victoriously, sipping on her tea.

Sarai typed away on her phone in annoyance, ranting to her friends about how annoying her family was.

And then there was Dabir.

He did not feel sad to see Gracie go, because frankly, this was for the best. Saheed would have only weighed her down in life. Dabir would miss coming home from work to see her at the house, but by no means would he prefer that she continue to suffer in a horrible relationship for his selfish sake.

No longer wanting to sit with the family, Dabir stood up to leave the room, right as Saheed had entered it.

As melo-dramatic as ever his red eyes scanned the room, "Are you all happy now?! She left! She's gone!"

Here we go again, Dabir thought to himself. How is this our fault?

"Saheed baby, don't worry, god has provided you with a better woman. A fruitful woman. That's why she is with child!" Mrs. Ayad brimmed, earning a glare from Sarai, Dabir and Mr. Ayad. "What? Are we to question his will?"

"How can you say this horrible thing he has done is God's will?! Does God permit adultery?!" Sarai questioned.

"How can you call this adultery?! He wasn't married to that girl. They merely were not a match. There's no harm. We all know she was never going to fit into this family."

Sarai scoffed, "Are you serious, Umi? How can you seriously take Saheed's side in this?"

"He is my son!" Mrs. Ayad snapped. "You will understand once you become a mother one day.

Saheed slid his back against the wall down until he was slumped on the ground. "Man, I don't even want that baby... What if she tries to get child support? Nah, I'm just going to act like I don't know her, I'm too young to be a dad."

"You are 30." Dabir spoke up for the first time in the conversation, he did not want to get involved but he also couldn't stand to hear Saheed make himself the victim in the situation. "The baby is the innocent one, not you."

Saheed quieted down. Ever since the other night when Saheed's life flashed before his eyes, he had been treading lightly around Dabir.

Thus came the end of the discussion. Life went on and it brought on the next day, and the next, and the one after that. Before they knew it, the situation with Gracie had come and gone, six months had gone by.

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