Chapter 2

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I chose a watch from the new collection and put it in my bag. The shipment was perfect, and I was sure other businessmen and women would want to be a part of our empire. "Joe, how was it?" Phoebe, my best friend, asked when she saw me enter the third floor. "Oh, and your dad briefed me about Adam; he is waiting for you in room five. He has been there for about ten minutes."

"The order was great, and everything has been signed according to plans. And thanks, we will eat lunch together after I finish with Adam, okay?" I replied in a hurry, and she agreed. I entered room five and saw Adam chilling on the sofa and smoking. "Hi, turn off your cigarette, please. No smoking is allowed. The CEO hates the smell."

He quickly complied and stood up. "Sorry, hi. I am Adam Evans, and I was expecting a man, not a fine young lady!" He was a flirt.

"I am Joe, a fellow worker here. The man couldn't make it due to a cold. I will guide you around. I hope you didn't wait for too long."

"It's okay. It's only been half an hour." He was a liar.

"But before we walk around the building, I need to fill in a few things in your profile. First, how old are you?" I asked.


I looked at him and chuckled. "You look older than twenty-five, Adam."

"I know, genetics. Sadly." His eyes were full of deceit.

"Too bad, I only date men above thirty and thought you were one of them since you are hot and look wise." I wanted to lure him into my trap, which seemed to work. He was gulping and looking at my body.

"Well then, you are in luck. I am indeed above thirty. I am thirty-six, to be precise." Bingo.

"Sexy! But I must ask, why did you lie about your age?" I asked. I acted as if he influenced me.

"I thought if females knew I was twenty-five, they would like me more and want to sleep with me. I guess I hit the jackpot by telling you the truth about my age. You are indeed a ten. I am guessing you are down for a quickie?" He stepped closer to me, and I stepped back. He was definitely fired.

"Sure, let me just make a quick call to ensure no one enters this room, if you know what I mean," I whispered, and he nodded.

I dialed dad's number and waited. After a few rings, he picked up. "Hey Sarah, don't let anyone enter room five on the third floor, okay? I am interviewing a new employee."

"I am on my way, Bambi." Dad hung up as he understood my memo, and I looked at Adam, who was already removing his tie. He was desperate, and he did not fit our company.

"Joe, was it? Your eyes are mesmerizing, and your body speaks erotica," Adam remarked, and I almost bust out laughing. I was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. He was indeed desperate.

"Thank you, handsome. What should I do now?" I played along, and he smirked. Or attempted to smirk.

"All you need to do is obey me, and you will feel pleasure. Trust me."

Dad was taking his damn time. Or not. He slammed the door open and made me stand behind him.

"Are you okay, Bambi? Did he touch you?"

"No way in hell I would let this maniac lay a hand on me. Adam, did you seriously think I would fall for your words or looks? Oh, and you are fired and banned from entering this building." I crossed my arms.

Adam's facial expression was priceless. "What? Who are you to fire me?" he arrogantly asked.

"She is Jolene Hansley, the CEO of this company, and I am the owner of this company, and most importantly, her father. Now, get the hell out of my building before I call the cops."

Adam was faster than light at the mention of cops. "Are you sure you are okay? What did he say to you?" dad asked again, and I sat on the chair and pulled out my phone.

"I think you should listen; I recorded our conversation."

That was a mistake because I was holding dad back from chasing after Adam ten minutes later. Dad wanted to kill him because no one should talk to any female in such a manner.

"Mr. Dante, calm down. I let everyone know of Adam, and they won't let him enter the building if he dared come close. Here, drink some tea," Pheobe said as she handed dad a cup.

"Thank you, Pheobe. He is an asshole, and I wasted my energy on him. If I knew he was like that, I would have never let you near him, Bambi," dad said, and I kissed his forehead.

"I know, dad, now relax and take a nap. Pheobe and I will have lunch. Do you want me to bring you anything?"

"A salad would do, thanks, and be careful."


"Your dad's actions are justified. I would have flipped if my only child had gone through a similar situation. Adam is an ass, and if I ever see him, I will kick his butt," Pheobe remarked, and I laughed.

"Agreed. Now, what shall we eat?" I asked as we sat outside the cafe. It was chilly but not raining, yet we were the only ones out. I needed the fresh air, and Pheobe never gets cold, so a win-win situation.

"I will eat whatever you eat. I must go to the bathroom real quick. Mother nature is calling." I chucked as she dashed inside the building.

I skimmed through the menu and decided to order our regular meals. As I wanted to call the waiter, I heard a loud honk. I did not get the time to look back when a man grabbed my body and tossed me to the side. The car crashed into the pole, and the man literally saved my life.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "Hey, can you hear me?"

I saw Pheobe running to my side, and I rubbed my eyes. The buzzing in my ear stopped. "Oh my God, Jolene! Are you okay, honey?"

"Ha?" I looked around and saw people around us. "Yes, yes. I am fine, thanks to this man. Thank you, sir."

"Don't thank me, please. I did what anyone would do in my situation." The man helped me stand up, and Pheobe hugged me and went to the car that crashed. I saw her dialing 911, but I could not be too sure. I hoped that whoever was in that car was still alive. I looked at Pheobe's face and saw her smile at whoever was inside. I guessed they were okay.

"Again, thank you for saving my life. I am Jolene. Please, tell me how can I ever repay you for your kindness?"

"I am Atlas, and a cup of coffee will do!"


Hi :)

I hope you liked this chapter. Please vote and comment! It would mean the world to me.

Chapter 3 is already on Inkitt. If you want to read it now and not wait, send me a message, and I will send you the link!

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