Chapter 39

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"Ms. Hansley, white and blue would be the perfect fit for this humongous store. It will be royal and will catch attention no matter where you look." I looked around my new Hansely's Watches branch and imagined the color scheme for the walls. My vision was way different from hers.

I opened the colors catalog and showed the interior designer what I preferred. As she took a closer look, she beamed at me. "Gold and black scream luxury, and luxury is the store's theme here in Italy. Even though Royal colors are stunning, they are not for my store. Or this store in particular."

She nodded as she wrote down in her notepad. "Very well. I will work right on it, Ms. Hansley. Have a good day!" Her cheerfulness and strong Italian accent made me smile. However, she did not even glance at Dario the whole meeting. She looked terrified of him, and I guessed that was the Italian Mafia effect.

Dario might be a cruel, intimidating, and nasty man in the public eye, but he was a big teddy bear at home. My big teddy bear. Our relationship was yet to be official, and he did not ask me to be his girlfriend yet. I could ask him to be my boyfriend, but I wanted to see his approach, so I decided to wait.

As I raised my head to look at the ceiling, I saw Dario standing behind me while looking down at my face. "What?" I asked but stayed in my position. We were the only ones in the building now, so he took the liberty, placed his hands on my shoulders, and grinned the moment I felt the heat of his palms.

"Why luxury?" he asked, catching me off guard. I fixed my position so he was in front of me. I made him sit in the chair beside me and held his big, scarred, rough hand.

"While we have more affordable branches in New York for a larger target audience, this branch is... well, let's be honest, it won't be cheap. I will open another branch with more affordable watches in the future, but if I start a business in a different country, I want to hit big. I want it to be iconic because most rich people and celebrities like to brag about their expensive items, and word will get out eventually that our empire has expanded. This way, even people with a lower income would hear about our brand and would want to buy from our company when they can afford it. I will make their wishes feasible when I open the more affordable branch as soon as possible."

He nodded at my explanation as he brushed his thumb over my knuckles. "That's a clever strategy."

"Yeah, well, the board back home did not think it was a good idea since they are all greedy sons of bitches. I am the CEO, so I overrule them when my decision does not harm the company's finances, and they know it. They want to make ten million from one single branch in a few months rather than wait a full year."

"Why not fire them?" he asked, and I chuckled at his simple thinking. That was how he operated. Not me.

"Believe me, I tried. But the members are competent and good for the company if I look at it objectively. So, I tolerate their bullshit when it is tolerable."

"Atta girl!" I laughed at his remark, and we decided to head home after he made a business mafia call with Lazlo.

A week had passed since Dad's argument and the kiss, and nothing had progressed between Dario and me. 

On the one hand, Dad went home after our little ordeal, but I forgave him before he boarded the plane. I could not stay mad at him for long, and he knew it. On the other hand, things had been heated between Dario and me without us even touching each other. The sexual tension was tangible.

Not that I want to go all in because, as I said before, I was saving myself for my wedding. However, I did not mind cuddling and some close proximity. 

Dario was either taunting me hard, or he was just an oblivious fucker.


"Bambi, do you want to try my Carpaccio?"

"Sì, grazie!" I replied and sat on the counter and watched him do his magic. "It will be the perfect appetizer since Enola will come in an hour to drop off her Spaghetti carbonara."

"When did you two talk? I have been with you the whole day, and I did not see you on your phone," he asked as he prepared my plate to perfection.

"We texted when I went to the bathroom," I explained as I showed him the text, and he nodded. "Oh, and she will bring little Andrea so we can babysit him for a couple of hours. I can't wait to cuddle with him!"

"I knew she wanted something!" he laughed and continued his masterpiece. I gazed at his face to admire his handsomeness, but I noticed a sudden change in expression. He suddenly seemed bothered. "Say, Bambi... did you receive anything from Atlas lately?"

My whole mood flipped at the mention of that bastard. "No. He is still alive and recovering, for sure. Jumping from that bridge must have been almost deadly. But he is definitely breathing."

"I know he won't die that easily, but my men cannot find him anywhere. Even in the Barmbilla household. I have a spy there, and he has not seen him yet."

"He's probably underground, which explains his lack of cyber attacks, as I assume there are no proper technological devices or connections down there. I would have found him if he had used an electronic device and been on the web. I am a white hat hacker, after all. If I were him, I would lay low until I fully recover."

"That actually makes sense. I would have done the same thing. I will let my men start searching underground lairs." He nodded as he washed his hands and texted someone swiftly. "My Bambi is savvy and drop-dead gorgeous!" he remarked, and I blushed.

He is one smooth motherfucker.

"If I am your Bambi, what are you to me then?"




He said, "Yours," and I melted! And they ask why my standards for love are so high??!

I hope you liked this chapter :) More is yet to come!

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