Chapter 60

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I opened my eyes after what felt like the longest dream ever. Everything felt real and painful, yet I did not remember a single detail. It was so weird how dreams worked, but I guessed it was for the better. 

I tried to get up and start a new day, but it felt like a ton of bricks were on my chest, painfully pressing down. I looked around the room as my vision cleared, and realization dawned on me as the sharp pain in my chest cruised through my body, making me scream in agony.

Not a second later, a nurse entered the room with Dr. Snow in tow. "Hold on, we will increase the morphine dosage. Good to see you awake, Jolene."

"What happened? And how long have I been out?" I asked as I tried to move, but my body felt like a dead weight. The pain subsided after a few minutes of fighting discomfort, and I took a deep breath when the morphine kicked in.

Dr. Snow checked the charts and nodded at the nurse. "To summarize what happened to you: You have been shot, cut open, had fingers near your heart, and we had to perform an emergency surgery. Everything went well. It's eleven in the morning,"

"Saturday? I have been out like a dead person," I said as I felt my mouth dry. "Can I have water?"

"Of course, and you were technically a dead person..." the nurse said as she held out a straw and helped me drink. I felt a bang in my head once I recalled the gunshot sounds. The screams. The tears.

"Thank you," I whispered. She smiled and left my room. "Who had their fingers inside my chest?" I asked as I registered what he said not a minute ago. It sounded terrific.

Dr. Snow checked my legs and my hands. "Camila Guerrero, she's a heart surgeon in the right place at the right time. She saved your life."

"I must be either the luckiest person alive or the most unfortunate to be in this situation in the first place," I joked and tried to laugh, but it was difficult due to the pressure on my chest.

He grinned. "I always look at the glass half full, so you're definitely lucky. Do you want to see your family and friends? They have been waiting for you to wake up for hours now. Oh, and Don Dario was more worried than your dad, which was funny."

I smiled. "Let them in, please."


I did not have to wait long for them to burst the door open and start crying and cheering for me. Dad was the first to approach me as he kissed my head. Someone was chewing something so loud. I cringed, triggering my misophonia, but tried to ignore the infuriating sound. 

"Hello, Bambi," he said, and I almost groaned at the nickname. It lost its innocence the moment I met Dario.

I glared at Lazlo, who was chewing an apple, and he threw it in the bin once he saw my face. They all heard about my misophonia. I turned my attention to my dad and smiled. "Hey!" I held his hand and kissed his palm. "You look like shit," I added when I saw his hair and shirt buttoned incorrectly.

"All for you," he replied with a smirk, and I chuckled. He was in the mood for jokes, which was relieving. "How are you feeling?" he asked and stepped aside. I looked behind him at the crowd of overly emotional mafia men, Phoebe, Enola, and Diana. But time froze when I saw Dario.

He was on one knee.

An open velvet box in hand.

The most beautiful ring in it.

And he was facing me.

"No..." I whispered in disbelief, and his smile grew.

I did not know what to do. "Bambi," he started, and Dad glared at him. "Jolene," Dario corrected, and Dad nodded. I rolled my eyes at their silly exchange, making everyone chuckle. "Remember when I told you the story about when you were sick and I took care of you?" I nodded, instantly remembering that night. "There was something that I did not mention."

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