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TW: Mention of rape and violence


What was she doing here? How did she even find where I stayed? I was really thinking too much without realizing when she entered into the house as if she owned it.

I couldn't still believe she was here, all the memories started coming back and really felt like strangling her.

I wish I could call Dani but my phone was upstairs in the room and I couldn't reach it.

"Well aren't you going to welcome your guest?" She asked so calmly

What does she think she's doing? Does she think I have forgotten what she did to me or what??

It wasn't long when I heard the backdoor opening, I knew Dani was back. Oh man, I love that girl so much, I'm sure she knew something was up in the house.

So I decided to distract Brittney because I didn't know if she had any weapon on her or not.

"What the fuck are you doing here huh?" I angrily asked.

She just smiled at me and said,
"Ohh c'mon babe, I came to take you home. You don't belong here."

How dare she say that? Did she know the pain she put me through before my Dani came to save me?

Ughhh I hate her so much.

"Which home are you talking about? Is it the one you threw me out from??" I replied

"Now don't be like that, you were too annoying then. I just put in your place that's all." Brittney said.

"Wow. So raping me was the best thing to do huh?" I said not believing my ears at what she said.

"Don't think you can talk back at me Lex. I have given you time to explore and do your thing, so now it's time to go home. So, go upstairs and pack your things, let's go home now."

"I'm not going anywhere with you. Besides I can never be with you. You are a beast." I said back to her.

Where was Dani? I thought I heard her come in. I just which it was her and not just some wishful thinking in my head.

Before I could say another word, I felt her hands around my neck squeezing it really tight enough for me not to breathe.

"Don't make me repeat myself or else.." she started.

"Or else what?" I heard Dani's voice behind her.

She dropped her hands around me while I was gasping for air.

She turned around and looked at Dani before she spoke again while smiling

"Or else I would punish her and there is nothing you can do about it."

Oh boy, that's where she got it all wrong.

Dani had earned three black belts from martial arts and she was a top instructor in an academy in China. But due to distance, she trains the students online.

So Brittney really has gotten into a big mess already.

Dani started laughing really hysterically that Brittney was really confused.

When she looked back at me to ask with her eyes why I wasn't scared of her, I couldn't help but smile at my girlfriend.

Brittney then decided she had already had enough and brought out a gun that she pointed at Dani's head.

I was already scared because I wasn't expecting her to bring something like that but it seemed Dani wasn't even scared.

"Okay, play time over. I would take Lex with me and you be a good girl by not causing any trouble or else one bullet would definitely go through your skull." Brittney angrily said.

Dani just smiled at her and asked her,
"What makes you think I would do that?"

"Because you don't have any other choice. Besides you are a lost puppy when it comes to Lex." She replied back.

Now I really think Brittney was mad or something. I don't even know what made me date or something.

"Wow, you are even more dumber than I thought. I really expected you to be more smarter than this." Dani mockingly answered her.

That seemed to trigger Brittney because she cocked the gun, already aiming it at Dani's head.

She really ready to kill Dani without any remorse.

"Don't try me, Jack. You may never live to tell the story. Lex go upstairs and pack your things, I don't have all day." She said while still staring at Dani.

I was already afraid and decided that if it meant to keep Dani alive, I would go with her.

I didn't want Dani to lose her life on my account.

As I was about to turn, I heard something behind me.

Before I could think twice, it was gunshot I heard. I abruptly turned to look, the shock on my face was really priceless.

"H...howww...www?" Brittney asked as she was on the floor in pains.

Brittney was on the floor while Dani was pointing the gun at her face. Dani had shot her on leg while Brittney was groaning in pain.

"When next you want to do your nonsense with anyone, do your findings well. Don't make stupid assumptions about anyone." Dani said while looking at her with anger in her eyes.

"And don't ever in your life try to point a gun at me let alone threaten the person I love. I don't joke with stunts like that."

I almost forgot that she said she loves me but I was really thinking how she did that.

I mean it took her only half a minute or something to do that. It just made her ten times hotter.

Jeez, I'm really swooned by her already.

It wasn't up until 45 minutes when the police came and took Brittney away, that I relaxed.

Dani came and gave me a tight hug while whispering how sorry she was for not being there on time.

"Shhhh... This wasn't your fault. She just wanted to be a psycho bitch." I said to her.

"I know. But what if I hadn't come earlier? Or what if before I came, you were gone? Or what if...?"

I silenced her cute rambling with my lips on hers, loving the familiar feeling I always get anytime I kissed her.

She sighed happily on my lips, knowing how she needed it just like me. I pulled away almost immediately and whispered in her ear,

"I love you too, D."

She looked with a new look of happiness and affection, making me feel warm again inside.

"Then let me show you how much I love you, darling." She huskily replied looking at me with lust and also love in between.

I knew today wasn't going to exactly be our lazy day after all. I was already turned on with how sexy she looked when she was angry at Brittany.

I winked at her and replied saying,

"I'm all yours, sweetheart."

She carried  me upstairs while kissing every part of my body with so much affection and desire.

Oh boy. I so much love this girl.

Phew!!!. One of my longest chapters😜😩. Brittney made her last appearance here and would be away for a very long time. The next chapter may probably be the last😥😩😩, it's so sad to let my first babies here go, but it just has to be🥺🥺😵
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