A baby boy [2]

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"Awwww it's a little baby boy" gushed Esme fawning over the sleeping baby. A frown was still set on the baby's face clearly an annoyed baby. Rose had just put a small baby nappy on the baby and swaddled him in the new blanket discarding the bloody jumper.

Luckily he was still asleep just very moody after being moved, and now the baby was placed on a soft mat on Carlisle's desk.

"I've called the hospital about an incubator and they do have one available so if he isn't able to eat liquids properly or his body turns out to not be fully formed we can help"

"Hospital? Why can't he just stay here" Alice asked not wanting the baby to be taken away.

"You think we should keep the child?" Carlisle asked unsure of what to think. Edward silently had walked over to the sleeping child on the opposite side of the room. Placing his cold hand of the freshly swaddled babys stomach, this caused the biggest grin to appear on the baby's face.

"Someone finally likes you Eddie-boy" Emmet chuckled still leaning on the door frame, but Edward made no attempt to look over as he was so focused on the smiling baby. Not knowing that the same grin had appeared on his face.

"I think we should keep him" Alice said looking towards her brother who seemed infatuated with the baby. The other four had turned to look at their son/brother and the baby, just staring at the matching expressions. "Or well he should" Alice whispered quietly trying to refer to her brother. She knew Edward would be able to hear but she also knew that he was too focused on the sleeping baby to listen to her.

"He found him" Esme did mention knowing that Alice's intentions where good and the baby could possibly be in twined with their future family.

"Son it's your choice"

"I want to keep him" Edward said proudly after a few moments of thinking it through. This baby boy had touched a part of his heart that he didn't think he'd ever be able to feel before. The grin on the baby's face could bring a smile to anyones face and it did one look at the baby's face Carlisles smile did grow.

"What are you going to name him"

After briefly looking out of the window then back to the baby only one name came to Edwards mind, "Rainn"

"It suits him" Esme said standing at the other side of Edward. "little baby Rainn Cullen"
But Rosalie walked out suddenly, only Alice and emmet noticed with Emmet going after his wife unsure of what was wrong.

"My baby nephew, hi I'm your auntie Alice" baby Rainn was still fast asleep not caring or acknowledging anything around him except the hand on his tummy.

Feeling bold Edward picked baby Rainn back up yet holding him to where his hand could still be placed on Rainns stomach. The small mask was still on his face and it looked like he was able to breath on his own so he may only have it on helping at certain hours.

Rainn did end up sinking into Edwards arm finding comfort there.

"Awww looks like he really likes you"

"Well he's stuck with me now"

"You'll make a wonderful father"

"I'll go inform jasper. I can't believe I'm an aunt" Alice skipped out the room so exited to tell her husband the news. Only leaving Carlisle Edward Esme and baby Rainn.

"We can take him to the hospital tomorrow and do a scan to find out if he is premature or just small"

"Then go shopping for bits, well have to pick up some milk tonight and maybe some nappies and clothing" Esme finished off looking over Edward's shoulder to see little baby Rainn.

"When will we go?" Edward asked finally turning around to face the two.

"No you stay here with Rainn ,we'll go get the necessities"

"What should I do with him?"

"I've got some baby wipes to get all the blood from him, that would be good and the jumper needs to be washed. But other than that just bond with him he's your son" and with Esmes wise words the tiny bundle of joy started to try and open his eyes. All three vampires breaths hitched just watching Rainn try to open his eyes.

After a few agonising minutes Rainn had managed to open his eyes slightly. All he could see were blobs but that didn't bother him, he'd only just been born he doesn't know anything else.
All he could see was blob ,blob ,blob, and this was very entertaining to him. So entertaining that weird noises started to come out of his mouth.
The baby's eyes where a deep forest green reminding Edward of his original eye colour, this encouraging Edward more that he has to take in this child.

Edwards eyes lit up at the baby's gurgle like giggle, yes it was muffled with the mask but it was still extremely precious non the less.

Carlisle and Esme both shared a look seeing how happy their son is.

"We'll be back in a bit" Carlisle said wanting Edward to spend some bonding time with Rainn. Esme quickly snapped a photo before leaving with her husband, off to get some needed baby necessities until they could do a full shop.

"Hey Rainn, I'm you new daddy ok?" Rainn at the sound of his voice just looked over to the blob who had spoke. After the voice had stopped baby Rainn had started trying to move his tiny arms. Quickly acting upon the baby's wishes Edward unwrapped Rainn from the blanket swaddle slightly allowing two stumpy, wrinkly baby arms to reach out.

"Don't go getting ahead of yourself there Rainn" Edward chuckled out humoured by his sons curiosity. Rainn pulled his arms back a bit placing them where his mouth would have been, however there was one issue. He couldn't put his hand in his mouth as he so desperately wanted too , there was a barrier. This being the oxygen mask.

"-chuckle- we can't take that off little one, that's making sure you breath" Edward informed the baby just wanting to talk to him. As Edward was talking all of Rainns attention was on him just liking his new dadas voice. Rainn put both his arm back down and just stared at Edward wanting to hear the funny voice again.

"You like my voice?" Edward said after reading the baby's mind shocked. Rainn started grunting in response to the blob talking trying to make funny voices like the blob did. However he wasn't happy with his noises and gave up after a while just settling to hope that the blobs would make them again.

Edward hearing this in Rainns mind continued to talk to him to make Rainn happy. After a while of this rainns green eyes started to droop, he tried to keep his eyes open but the blob (Edwards) talking really made him feel sleepy. With not having much baby energy at all it only took seconds to fall back asleep again in his new daddy's arms.

24th November 2022
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