Taking a break [18]

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Rainn was in his bed. He wasn't in a good mood.

Carlisle had instructed Rosalie and Emmet to spend some time away from Rainn.
So Rainn was left alone in his little sided bed. Even as young as he is he was still able to understand that they weren't in the house, and this saddened him. Usually in the morning he would be woken up by his dada (Emmet) and then taken to play, but as of yet little Rainn was still in his bed waiting to be taken downstairs. Rainn was sitting up just looking around his room waiting.

"Good morning little one"
The voice perked Rainn up. His papaw entered the room. Carlisle had heard Rainn's moodily grumbles from his office making him aware or Rainn being awake. Rainn was still in his sat up position with his little blanket but the small boy did turn to face the doorway to follow where the voice had come from.

"Hewo" Rainn said waving slightly, yet still having a little frown on his face. Carlisle was walking into Rainn's little room through the open doorway ready to greet the boy for the day.
"Ah is somebody in a mood today?"Carlisle said almost chuckling at the end instantly recognising how Rainn was feeling just by how Rainn was sitting.

"No"Rainn said trying to deny the fact that he was clearly in a mood.

"Is this because of Emmet and Rosalie going away for a bit?"Carlisle asked, Rainn couldn't really understand what his papaw was saying so he just ignored him looking the opposite way of his papaw.

"It's rude to ignore people little Rainn. You must be hungry little one, lets go get something in you" Carlisle said to Rainn before walking over and reaching over to Rainn to pick his small body up.

"mis mama" Rainn said broken up his face scrunching up slightly as his eyes started to water. Rainn had allowed Carlisle to pick him up for the baby to then almost hide himself into his papaws neck whilst the tears start to run down his chubby face.
"She'll be back, she just needs a little time with your uncle Emmet"Carlisle reassured the boy feeling his heart become heavy with Rainn's emotions.

"Me miss" Rainn started to cry out this being slightly muffled. Rainn was very upset. Rosalie and Emmet would have left around 3 days ago and Rainn wasn't coping well, everyone could clearly see that. Rosalie and Emmet were quick to appeal against going away but they seemingly had no choice.

"Yes I know you miss her" Rainn's memory was still undeveloped so it was quite a shock to see that he was able to remember Rosalie and Emmet, yet the pair seemed cemented in the little boys mind.
"Wewe she?" Rainn asked. His ability to speak was advancing slightly, Rainn now was able to figure out 2 word sentences and somehow cohesively speak however his pronunciation was still lacking and who can blame him he's not even 2.

"She's on holiday all the way over there"Carlisle told Rainn pointing far out of the window, this as a way to make it simple for Rainn. Rainn looking over there following his papaws finger.

"Faw?" Rainn asked cutely as he brought his sleeve up to wipe his nose. It was clear that Rainn was trying to stop his crying which was a good sign with his development. Rainn's eyes were focused on the outside of the window looking at all of the green shades outside. Carlisle smiling and also looking out of the window.
"Yes far, but she'll be back soon enough" he informed the little boy. He had told Rosalie and Emmet to spend the week up in Alaska, so Rainn would only have to wait 4 more days before seeing them again, but from how Rainn's been acting for the past few days Carlisle could only expect it to get worse.

"Mmmmmm" Rainn hummed turning back to face his papaw.
"Is that why you're grumpy today?" Rainn only answered in sniffles still quite upset. Rainn did have occasional tantrums, yet he was getting into the age of wanting everything and not taking no for an answer so this was a stressful time for the family.

"Maybe grandma can turn that frown upside down"Carlisle spoke bouncing Rainn up and down wanting to cheer up the 18 month old from his morning slump.
"Memee" Rainn mumbled quietly to himself wanting to see her.
"Yeah, let's go see her" Carlisle said walking out of Rainn's room towards the kitchen knowing that Esme was sorting Rainn's breakfast out.

"Awww good morning my handsome grand baby" Esme said walking over to her grandson and kissing his little head, Rainn mumbling slightly at the affection. Carlisle placed Rainn in his highchair as Esme went to grab Rainn's breakfast.

"Memee" Rainn said as he got sat down wriggling his behind to get comfortable.

"Someone has been a little upset today"Carlisle explained towards esme yet making it friendly enough for Rainn to hear.

"Awww you've been upset?" Esme asked as she placed Rainn's plastic plate down. Rainn nodding not hearing anything she said as he was much more focused on the food that was coming for him.
"Poor boy" she said stroking Rainn's little head as he went to pick up his fork and start eating.

"Mama" he mumbled to himself between bites. Him taking his sweet time to swallow each bite. Esme and Carlisle glancing to each other at this.

"Good morning Rainn"Edward said walking into the kitchen greeting the 18 month old. Rainn quickly glancing up, then back down to his food.

"Gmownin dada (good morning)" Rainn said as Edward petted his head. Rainn having food in his mouth making his good morning muffled. Edward smiling sweetly at the cute action.

"I've heard that you're missing Rosalie" Edward said to Rainn sitting in the chair next to the boy making sure he would be in Rainn's eyesight. The boy not noticing this at all.

"Mama"Rainn mumbled once again, not leaving the sight of his breakfast. He was a very hungry boy after all, his mama is convinced that he's going to grow overnight with how much food he goes through. Rainn had stopped crying by now and was seemingly in a decent mood, seeing his grandma had really helped.

"After you're done we could play with some of your blocks, how does that sound?" Edward said wanting to play with Rainn, it had been something they'd been doing for the past few days since Rainn didn't have Emmet to play with.

"Mmmmm" mumbled Rainn taking another mouthful. "Box" he said loudly after swallowing his mouthful. He really liked stacking the blocks one atop of another and trying to build the tallest tower the little boy could.

"I box" Rainn said tossing his fork onto his now empty plate finishing with his food.

"Yeah you like playing with your blocks don't you" Esme said taking away Rainn's empty plate. Rainn meeting her gaze with her smiling softly at him.

"Yeah" Rainn said grabbing hold of his sippy cup. His cup was filled with his favourite apple juice so Rainn was becoming even happier. The little boys mood had drastically changed from this morning.
Soon enough later Rainn had finished his cup and was restless to play, banging his tiny mits lightly on the table.

"Ok, ok we can go now"

11th October 2023
1260 words
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My Child (Twilight)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora