Baby development [11]

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"Your distraction strategy isn't working" Jasper said directing his golden eyes to meet Carlisle's. His tone holding an unimpressed edge.

"I'm not quite sure what you mean" Carlisle responded smirking slightly his tone light and dismissive.

"Ugaaa" Rainn spoke out, giving in his piece to the conversation.

Jasper and Carlisle were sat on the floor facing each other with a chessboard between the two on a low table.An obvious intense chess match happening between the two, however there was a small extra inclusion within this game. This being an 8 month old child.
Rainn was sat in Carlisle's lap seeming very entertained by what his grandpa and uncle were doing.
Rainn wasn't able to reach the board so he wasn't in harm of messing the game up, but that didn't stop him from trying. Rainn was waving his arms around, trying to reach on the wooden pieces that he saw his family so engrossed over. Carlisle did have to move Rainns tiny hand from time to time, Rainn then just returning it to where it was moments later, learning nothing.

This was later in the evening after school had ended and Carlisle had finished work.
Emmet, as Edward had assumed, was quick to take Rainn and start playing with him. The two listening to baby music and somewhat imitating the noises of the animal within the songs. This developing Rainns vocal cords and allowing for a range of sounds to come from him. Along with reading and looking at some baby picture focused books. The pictures being of animals mainly, allowing for Emmet to show Rainn the animals that Rainn and he were impersonating.
Sadly Emmets time was cut short when he was instructed by Carlisle to go hunting. Emmet couldn't really argue as he could feel the burning at the back of his throat, and he didn't want to be any sort of risk to Rainn. So he was off hunting along with Alice and Esme.
Rainn being left in the care of his grandpa. Luckily Rainn loves his grandpa so much, maybe not as much as his uncle Emmet, however Rainn still loves him a lot.

Rainn was staring at anything and everything he could, his baby mind was bored. The only redeeming thing was when Carlisle's and jaspers chess match got intense, with lots of lightning speed movement occurring. This entertaining Rainn making him giggle by catching his little attention and drawing his eyes to the board.

"Check", and Jasper saying this evolved into a quick fire of movement. Rainn quickly getting uncomfortable with his grandpas constant quick movement started to tilt his way to try and escape his grandpas lap.
"Rainn what are you doing" Carlisle asked quickly noticing Rainns movement in an instant. Him going into Doctor mode not wanting Rainn to end up hurting himself.

"Baaaaa" Rainn said looking up to his grandpa, remembering the sound from earlier, this not helping Carlisle at all. Rainn still wasn't stopping his escape attempt from his grandpas hold, and it would almost seem as Rainn was now trying much harder.

Rainn was now using all of his minimal baby strength to pull his leg over Carlisle's and attempt to crawl out of Carlisle's crossed legs. Carlisle not stopping Rainn from his movement and Jasper just observing the two having already plotted his strategy in his game of chess.
Rainn managing to balance his weight had escaped the cadge of Carlisle's legs and was now sat on the floor next to him.

"You want to sit there?" The oldest asked the youngest as Rainn seemed happy in his new sitting position. The baby having a very bright smile on his face for his successful escape, Rainn then giving a celebratory, "Baaa" to himself.

"Well don't go off too far" Carlisle spoke as if Rainn would be able to understand what he meant. Rainn was starting to concept weight and what will make him topple over making him hurt himself. So Carlisle was happy to let Rainn learn by himself to help him develop.

"Baa" it would seem that Rainn likes to impersonate a sheep. For Carlisle to then ruffle Rainns fluffy blond locks. Rainn quickly reaching his little hands out and touching Carlisle's hand, his little way of telling his grandpa to keep his hand there.
Carlisle smiled slightly before looking back to the game of chess. Jasper smirking, as by this point he had been able to strategically work out every possible move his father could make, and how to counter it with his next move.

"Rainn I'm going to need my hand back" Carlisle told the little baby, by this point Rainns eyes were now focused on the new angle that he could see the chess board and pieces. His eyes fixating on one piece in specific. This all allowing Rainn to not notice his grandpas hand moving from his head.

"Now where were we?"carlisle rhetorically asked Jasper focusing back on the game, not wanting to give all of his attention just to Rainn.
Jasper smiled knowing his exact plan for the next move.
This game continued on, it never seeming to end, Rainn having to entertain himself.
After a while of clashing movement both jaspers and Carlisle's movements were getting minimal in variety, both minds scrambling for a strategy to ensure a win. Carlisle staring jasper down as a way to pressurise his decision. However as Jasper was reaching for his next move he glanced up slightly when a baby hand came in sight on top of the board,his eyes widening at the sight.

Rainns little hand reached out and took in his hand one of Carlisle's pieces. Rainn being stood on his two stubby feet clinging onto the table, a chess piece in hand.
Carlisle seeing Jaspers expression turned to look where Rainn was supposed to be, only to see Rainn standing leaning against the tale for support.
"Rainn, you're standing" he almost gasped out in astonishment. Rainn was a slow learner so the family didnt expect him to advance in his development early. Assisted Standing was more seen within the 9-12 month range, so Rainn was quick to learn to stand. Leading to Carlisle's reaction.

"I'm pretty sure I have won by default as your kings been kidnapped" Jasper said smiling now after noticing the white kings head in Rainns mouth. This also getting Carlisle to come slightly out of his shocked state.
"You're standing Rainn" he repeated with a very proud smile to take over his face, going to pet Rainn on the head. Rainn still standing leaning against the table for help with his balance. Carlisle then being quick to realise what Jasper had said and what was in Rainn's mouth. Pulling the piece from Rainns mouth assuring that Rainn wouldn't choke on it Carlisle then returning his hand on Rainns head.

"Well little Rainn I thank you for being my little buddy and helping me win" Jasper said after moving to now be closer to Rainn, thanking his little helper who had double crossed his grandpa, from being Jaspers distraction, to being Jaspers saviour. Rainn hearing his name allowed a grin to become on his toothless mouth, the baby then feeling very accomplished in what he had done.

8th July 2023
1216 words.

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