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The past week was... different. Trying to find time to learn the five ninjutsu and fuinjutsu on top of picking all the fruits and berry's the farm produces is surprisingly difficult.

Kaa-san and Tou-san had split the farm work 50-50. Kaa-san had to pick the fruits and berry's and take care of those plants, whole Tou-san takes care of the vegetables and wheat.

But now that Kaa-san is sick, it's up to me to take care of her part. Though I could do it pretty fast with my chakra strings, it would definitely draw suspicion from Tou-san.

So far, I've been able to practice the substitution jutsu a little bit. I figured it would be the easiest for me to master, since I can feel the chakra of everything in a 530ft radius.

It has been pretty simple. Though I do trip up on the hand signs a bit. I'm sure with practice I'll be able to get it down.

Next time I visit the library I should find a book on hand signs.

Bags have formed under my eyes, because I've been staying up a bit late trying to get more practice on fuinjutsu. As I thought previously, it is pretty simple, but of course there's so many things to memorize. And there's no way around it, especially since the smallest detail changed could change the entire seal.

Anyways, substitution jutsu. The theory of it is simple. You reach your chakra over to an object and connect your chakras, then through that link you instantaneously swap your chakra and bodies. Of course, to do it so fast and get it down will take practice. My current goal for this one is to get it down without the need if hand signs, because this will be very good when finding yourself in a ruff situation.

Ah, my chakra pool. It's currently at very low chunin levels... or very high genin, your pick.

When going into Konoha, I have to focus to not swirl my chakra. You could say I'm paranoid, I won't stop you. The way I see it is better safe than sorry.

At this point though, I think I'd be able to take on a genin and win. In this world of shinobi it's not a lot, but I'm proud of my accomplishments.

I began working on the substitution jutsu first because it would be the simplest for me. Both the henge and clone jutsu are genjutsu while the substitution jutsu is more physical, meaning I have the least experience with them.

Now, technically speaking it would be better for me to work on those first, so I can get the basics of all jutsu down first, but I honestly didn't feel like trying to learn iryō ninjutsu and some form of genjutsu at the same time.

Iryō ninjutsu, better known as medical ninjutsu, is the form of taking medical knowledge and applying it to ninjutsu to heal the damage on a person.

Despite what you may think, I am learning this jutsu solely for myself in case I injure myself somehow or I'm injured by someone else.

I'm progressing quickly on that front, because I am spending most of my free time with it. I have already learned the simple diagnoses technique, which will simply allow me to assess any internal injuries.

The other scroll I picked up for iryō ninjutsu is a simple healing scroll, to heal minor cuts and scrapes.

As expected, the higher ranking ninjutsu scrolls are not found in such a public library. I have no idea how I'm going to get my hands on any scrolls of higher levels, and as such I have no idea how to heal Kaa-san.

Applying for the ninja academy would be the best idea, once I graduate, and even as an academy student I'll be able to have access to more scrolls. But doing that would get rid of everything I work for. Plus, Tou-san can't run the entire farm and take care of Kaa-san at the same time.

Unless I come home immediately after the academy every day and then take care of the farm. Plus, what are the chances of me getting into the exact same class as the main cast? But then I won't have any time to train so going to the academy would be for nothing.

...unless I lower the amount of time I sleep.


Gah, the things I do for my family.


After three (unfortunate) days of contemplation, I have decided to ask the Hokage to enroll me into the academy.

Now, unlike most, I'm not particularly fond of Lord Third. Why? Well, because of a lot of things, of which I will not get into (maybe later if you ask nicely).

Anyways, today is Tuesday. So, obviously we're going into Konoha. Me, to get ingredients and, unknown to Tou-san, enroll in the academy (which starts next week). And Tou-san to sell more freshly picked food.

My first stop, after entering the gates and being told to meet back at them at 19:00, is the hokage tower, yay... (read the sarcasm)


In the hokage tower, I am met with the receptionist. She's not the sweetest.

"What?" She asks.

"I would like to speak with the hokage?" I ask more than state.

Now that I think about it, it is strange you have to go to the hokage to enroll to the academy. I guess it's something like he wants to be able to see all of his up and coming shinobi. He'll probably be testing me when I walk in, in his own weird way. There is nothing about that old man that doesn't have a hidden motive.

The receptionist eyed me up and down, no doubt looking at my clothes and messy figure.

"He's busy," she stated, going back to typing on her clunky computer. ...huh, didn't know they had those.

I deadpanned at her words. Of course he's busy, he's the hokage. It's not my fault he just has to see every applicant for the academy.

"I'm applying for the academy," I answer, my introvertedness making me sound so unsure. Someone send help.

She eyed me once again before raising an eyebrow and then sighing, rolling her eyes.

"Listen squirt," she bent over the table so she could get a better look at me, "being a shinobi isn't all fun and games like you think, a scrawny small little kid like you isn't gonna cut it. Go home before you get killed."

Damn, I mean, she ain't wrong. Kinda glad she's gatekeeping those she think won't make it. Keeps them from getting killed. But did she seriously have to point out my height!? I know I'm small, don't rub it in!

"I know," I look down, shadow covering my eyes, she raised an eyebrow, "I know it's hard, it won't be fun. In fact, I don't even want to be a shinobi-"

"Then don't be kid, you'll die," she cut me off.

"BUT KAA-SAN IS SICK! And- and... if I become a shinobi, she can get treated without the fees. We don't even have the money to get her a checkup in the hospital to see what's wrong." I began shouting, but ended in a mutter, though she heard it. Shinobi senses and all that jazz.

God, I hate playing the cute little kid card. It ruins my whole day. The whole reason for this durastic change in personality? The hokage is over there by the stairs, I felt him coming down them.

Plus, if I can prove I have "the will of fire" he'll probably let me in the academy without paying school fees.

The receptionist was flabbergasted, she didn't know what to say. Probably wondering why a child knows so much about money and the financial situation he's in... maybe, who knows.

The hokage clears his throat after another moment, drawing our attention to him.

"H-hokage-sama!" The receptionist gasped out and bowed.

I put on a curious face, focusing more on making sure my chakra is in line so he can't tell. I have to 'hide' it very well, I also have to still it to keep it from swirling so much from muscle memory. It feels weird now.

"Ah, who's this then?" He asks.

"Ah- it's-," the receptionist started

"Kai Nakano! That's ma name!" I gave cheerfully, smiling. Hah! That's what you get for cutting me off earlier!

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