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Bitter, Bella was really bitter as she sat in one of the seats that was provided for her at the table. Hell she wasn't even properly sitting at the table because of the size, pushed off to the side a little since more room needed to be made for the baby to sit in a highchair. She wasn't really that mad about that though, less attention being placed onto her, though that also meant that the person she was suppose to be hanging out with while everyone talked was busy...Playing with the very thing that had her pushed off to the side. Everything that came out of Jacob's mouth had her huffing. How nice it was to meet her niece. How nice it was to have a baby around. How nice it was that she had a sibling, an older one at that, and how nice it was that her family was back together. All Bullshit.

"Glad to have you back Antonio, glad to have you two ladies around also." Billy was quite happy himself, rolled himself right next to Antonio to catch up as much as possible. He was angry for a while when Antonio had decided to ship himself off to Europe, thought the child was crazy for not just spending time down here if he wanted to get away, but at the same time he understood. Looking at Antonio interacted with the two women surrounding him, and even his child had him relaxing back in his chair. The boy did the right thing for his future. It tore him apart when his wife died, and Rachel was left to pick up the pieces and step up to be a parent far too early into her life. Made him feel like trash when he thinks about her leaving to get away from the two of them.

"Glad to be back." He was more happy to see Jacob. The boy looked just like a younger version of his sister, and he couldn't be more happy, "glad to finally see everyone again." He never met Seth, but he only had heard good things. Sometimes it sucked being this old.

"How long are you playing and staying? If you leave, will you still come back down here?" Jacob had Kyrie, all smiley as he held onto the child. He'll admit that he loved children, thought the girl was adorable and couldn't believe that Antonio managed to get two beautiful women, and not just one.

"We plan on staying for a while." Bella groaned, she thought they were only suppose to be here for a week, "and if everything goes well, we might even permanently stay." Isla ignored the obvious distaste Bella had for them, she seemed to get along with her brother fine, but when it came to everyone else it was tolerable at most.

"Really?" Charlie grinned, "you all are free to live with your old man until you find a place!" He realistically knew that there wasn't enough room for them to stay for too long. Kyrie would soon grow to need her own space, but by then maybe Bella would've left for college.

"Dad, no offense, your house is a little too small for six people." His room was the second biggest considering he had the entire attic space, but it was still too small for the three of them let alone the fourth that was suppose to be sleeping in a crib, but because of space issues slept on Antonio's chest.

"Well, where else would you go?" Bella personally didn't care, but that didn't mean she wasn't curious, or nosy Rosalie would put it.

"We plan on having a house built!" Jennifer squealed, "A house that I get to decorate, mind you." She had somewhat full control of the inside. Isla got to pick the car, damn.

"What about the family business? You plan on selling the company?" Charlie knew nothing of what Renee's grandparents did. They hated his guts, and rightfully so considering he was such a pushover to his own family.

"We'll only be staying if I manage to get it expanded over into the states." He really didn't have to with teleportation being a thing, but people would know he moved, and it'll be a little weird for him to just show up so quickly, "there's an open lot in Seattle that I can build upon. I just have to get everything approved." Which was going to be hard considering he was also working on getting a place set up in Italy also.

"Well I hope everything goes well, it'll be nice to have you back for good." It'll be nice to just have a change of scenery.

"It'll be good to be back.'' The only downside would be the fact that the three of them were unsure if Kyrie should be sent to a private school when she got older, or the shabby public school Forks currently have.

"Being a housewife is tiring, I would also like a job." Bella gaped, she was positive Jennifer was some sort of porn star, "maybe teaching?" substituting just to make Bella's last two years of highschool hell.

"I can see if Forks have any open jobs for you, Isla?" Charlie didn't mind asking around, she might even be able to get a coaching job for being so fit.

"I'll stay being a housewife, someone has to watch Kyrie while everyone else is busy." She'll work on her art, going out in public wasn't her thing.

"Then I'll ask around for you Jennifer, and even check with La Push's highschool just in case Forks doesn't have any positions." Billy loved the two of them already.

"Oh my god." She was going to be stuck with these people for god only knows how long.

Everyone finished up eating after that small little conversation. Charlie buzzing with excitement, and Antonio checking his phone for any updates that Esme, or his Personal Assistant might have. He wasn't too fond of the vampire that worked for him, but they did a good enough job, compared to any other human he had hired previously. They were female, very pretty, but all vampires were in a way. He was going to have to return back to England in a couple days, but he hoped he'd get to chat with Esme Cullen first so that everything was confirmed in person rather than email.

"Where have you guys chosen to move?" Jacob hoped it was somewhere on the reservation despite him knowing that wasn't possible, but he also figured that maybe they were going to have a house built on the land Charlie was currently occupying.

"We'll show you once it's all confirmed, I don't want to make any promises that will actually get to move there." He wasn't even sure if the land was leveled yet.

"The area is perfect though, it reminds us of our home in England, so I hope we'll be able to live there." Perfect for devouring prey without anyone hearing their pleas for help.


I'll let everyone choose instead. Though this will effect some parts of the story based on where they end up living. Everything in bold would be the downside

1. The Woods (Between the Shifter and Cullen territory) Higher chance of getting caught / and the death of a character.

2. Seattle (Apartment/Penthouse) Lower chance of getting caught, and a new character getting introduced.

3. Near Charlie's Property (A house built close to his father's place) Immediate explanation of their true nature, and the death of a two characters.

I might hate it, but I don't mind killing off a favorite character of mind if it comes down to it.
The winning area, would announced next chapter.

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