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Contrary to belief, Antonio had decided against just drinking blood. He wanted something a bit more, and what better way to get it than, heading down to the morgue in the Hospital, he planned on taking a body that would soon be burned and eating that despite dead bodies, tasting a bit tangier than alive ones. He couldn't starve himself while he was completely surrounded by humans, but he also couldn't cause a huge mess, and draw attention to himself before he gets a chance to finish whatever work he has planned.

This excited him, always having hunted in secluded areas, hunting in a busy environment drew out the predator in him. Drove his brain into overdrive, as he focused on voices of workers, and patients alike as he sneaked through the shadows like a cat. He almost didn't want a dead body, his teeth enlarging at the sight of alive prey, prey that still had some fight left within them. His meal tonight wouldn't be drugged up and compliant to whatever he decided to do with them, they'll scream, cry, beg for their life, and most definitely would entertain him more than those empty shells back at the club could ever dream of being.

Thinking about his food like that was making him realize just how much Jennifer's sadistic nature was rubbing off on him. He used to feed off animals, and when that wasn't working, moved onto the drugged humans that made it easier on him to consume, they never fought, and the fact that there were even a few humans that willingly signed up for it to happen, suicidal or seemly stupid, made it even easier to know that they 'wanted' it to happen. Made him feel more human, more sane. He wasn't though, becoming a cannibal overnight does things to the mind, strips your sanity faster than one would admit, and interacting with the dead was just numbing. He wasn't happy with what he did, but he did know he had to do it. Complaining wasn't going to get him nowhere, and with a daughter he couldn't afford to slack off if he wanted her to grow happy, and safe.

"Martin, make sure to burn all month old John Does." A woman with a clipboard wrote something quickly before stamping it upon a locked locker. She had obviously marked it to be burned, but that wasn't why Antonio was so focused upon her. Smelt amazing, the fan in the room doing her no justice as it blew the scent of her right into his nose, and like a weird he took a deep breath. Chardonnay, white floral note Chardonnay, his favorite out of the brand.

"Are you sure Doctor? Shouldn't we wait a bit more?" The man, Martin, seemed a bit unsure, but the Doctor made sure to nod her head along to his concerns, the action causing another wave of that delicious scent to flow up the wrong person's nose.

"We're getting a bit backed up, we can't afford to keep them any longer." The ones she had marked were either unclaimed bodies of sick loved ones, or the sad four unclaimed murder victims. She didn't want to burn the bodies either considering there might be someone somewhere that could claim them, but this year's flu season seemed to take out a bunch of the elderly.

"Fine." Martin started writing on his own clipboard. And the woman, she turned to write a bit more, and stamp a few notes onto the lockers, before putting her board away.

"I'll be heading out, I was suppose to clock out an hour ago.'' While she was getting ready to leave, she picked up a hair tie to throw her hair into, exposing her bare neck to the beast that resided in the shadows of the hospital basement. Yeah, Antonio didn't want a dead body today, he wanted the body that held a functioning soul within.

"Wait! H-Have you thought about dinner yet? I know I asked you about a week ago, but have you given it any thought?" Martin, the poor bastard, jumped the second he heard the rustling of keys from her bag. Antonio remembered trying to court Isla, and Jennifer, while there wasn't much of a fight considering they all wanted it, they were still a bit awkward.

"Not interested." She didn't even look back, rushing out the room, the loud clicking of her heels fading away into the distance as she hurried off to wherever she was going. Obviously there was something going on between the two, but he wasn't there to find out what it was.

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