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It had been a while since he had eaten a body, the mangled corpse of some random thief chunked into a dumpster was the only thing left. Pieces were missing, arms, legs, and even a huge hunk of the stomach was eaten out. It was a mess that he was still deciding whether he should just drop the body off in the woods to mimic an animal getting to them, or lighting the trash can and risking a 'murder' being found and on the loose. Decisions, decisions.

His hair was thrown up in a bun to prevent it from getting in his face, but the blood splatter that caked up on the side of his face was still a problem that his precious hair would have to suffer later tonight. The choice of meal was rushed, no clothes, shoes, or even a toothbrush around to cover the stench of stale blood, and decaying flesh that would soon come after a few hours. He blamed his irritation on the current situation coming into play as to why he was so careless. Leah, his wives, and even the risk of being found out being far too much for him to healthy process without wearing himself down.

It was even more stupid of him to do this in the afternoon light, the streets flooded with people who chattered along to their friends and family without ever knowing that a dead body was in the very alleyway they were walking past. He was fucked if someone stumbled in here for whatever reason, and the only thing he really could do was leave through the darkness, but the body wouldn't be able to come with him. Burning it now would cause an uproar considering there were children that still wandered the street, and the body wouldn't have time to completely burn away before someone would stop the fire. The last thing he wanted to do, was have the risk of a murder being loose before he had the chance to fully move into his apartments, his father would turn stern, and to keep of the facade he'll have to stay longer for the 'safety' of his family. Stupid, real stupid.

I need you at Polaroid. - 3:13pm


"Now doesn't this feel nice?" They were in a Salon, their toes soaking in water as they sipped on a bit of Chardonnay. Leah was a bit underage, but who cared with the amount of money two of the women were dishing out, "feels good to be pampered right?" The plan was to get to know their girl, decide if they truly wanted her around, yet she seemed more closed off than they expected. Tired in the face, and spent of all emotions.

"Yeah?" It kinda hurt though, she had gotten a pedicure once before, but she didn't like strangers touching her to begin with, "and is it really okay for me to be drinking this? Doing this?" It also bothered her very much to know that the money that was being spent on her was Antonio's hard earned coins. She could barely process the fact that Antonio would even allow them to do such a thing considering her father had pretty much a tight grip on their source of income. Afraid their mother would spend it all on groceries to feed those hungry boys down by the beach. She wasn't accustomed to having money just being wasted for something as trivial as mani pedis. Buying things just because you see it and want it. All of that was a foreign thing to feel, yet it felt nice at the same time they weren't worrying about whether or not they had enough for the next day.

"Should he?" He did love her, even would send her money for her birthday, so why would this be any different. He wasn't actually her brother, and no matter what he did, she feared his wives might take it as a sign of him wanting something more. Was they wondering if he offered her to live with them because he wanted her close? Or was they wondering if they already were having an affair together? It was a little unnerving to wait to find out why they really came out to meet her considering she doesn't even know if he knows them with her, "he has offered you money before." Too much money actually, it was suppose to be a gift for when she went to college but she ended up dropping out of school. It was unneeded after that so she sent it back despite the fact he said she could use it for whatever she liked. It felt wrong to take money from him, considering she didn't do a thing to deserve it.

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