Part 22

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(POV - Marcus)

Ignoring Jaden's calls for him to stay,Marcus squeezed past the throng of people between him and the woman who reminded him so much of his dead mate that his soul ached.

He knew it was ridiculous, that there was no way that she could possibly be Helena, but it was the way she stood, the way her chestnut curls fell over her shoulder and exposed the smooth skin of her neck, and the way her shoulders lifted when she giggled. He finally reached her, unable to stop himself from wrapping a hand around her elbow and turning her around.

Of course, it wasn't Helena.

But this woman had such a strong resemblance to his mate....


He blinked, trying to clear the disappointment and guilt from his mind. "Sorry," he murmured, clearing his throat and letting her go. His fingertips brushed the back of her arm, and his wolf raised his head in interest.

"That's okay," she giggled, obviously a little drunk. The bright pink cocktail in her hand was half finished and reeked of rum and tequila. "Are you okay?"

Was he? He couldn't understand the sudden tug he felt for this woman he'd never met before. He was even more confused by the interest his wolf was showing, considering he was usually so protective of Helena's memory.

"Uh, yeah, I think," he found himself saying. Some of the tension that had settled in his shoulders eased when she offered him a warm smile. She must have been a few years younger than he was, but she readily stuck her hand out.

"I'm Aria," she announced, leaning forward to shake his hand. He'd been a little too slow to respond, and his hand had stayed at his side while his brain tried to process all the things happening.

"Marcus," he said, goosebumps racing up his arm when she pulled him closer to hear him better.

"Nice to meet you!" she said, and she sounded so genuine that it actually made him smile.

"Nice to meet you, too, Aria," he said, trying to ignore the tiny pang in his chest when she released his hand.

"Do you come here a lot?" she asked, and it didn't sound like the cheesy pickup line Marcus had expected. She'd turned on her stool to face him, giving him a full view of her bare legs, the left hooked over the right and swinging idly.

"No, this isn't really my scene," he admitted, fighting to drag his gaze back to her face. "I've never been to one of these... things."

Aria hid a laugh behind her hand, and Marcus found himself so endeared by the simple gesture.

"It's my first time, too," she said, lowering her voice like any of the people around them were actually paying attention when their lips were melded to their partner's. "My best friend talked me into coming here because my love life is a wreck."

"You're too young for that, aren't you?" Marcus prompted, taking the seat next to her. Their knees bumped gently, and he found that he didn't mind the contact at all. "Who'd be dumb enough to break your heart?"

"You're one to talk," she pouted, her eyes a little glazed from the alcohol. It made her lids droop, darkening her bright eyes and doing too many things to Marcus' faltering self-restraint. "Why are you here?"

"My best friend dragged me here because my love life is nonexistent."

She laughed so hard that she almost fell off her seat, clinging onto him for balance. She wiped at the tears clinging to her long lashes and sniffled through her giggles.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," she wheezed, dabbing at her cheek with the back of her hand. "I really wasn't expecting you to say that."

"Just telling the truth," he chuckled softly. "I guess both our best friends are kind of idiots, huh?"

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