Part 37

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(POV - Marcus)

Aria had fallen asleep in his arms, and he found his own eyes drooping as well. He was bone tired from their eventful evening at Aiden's banquet, and he was eager to get home and fall into his own bed with Aria at his side.

The trip back home was quiet, Jaden and Ryder remaining silent in the front seat, likely realizing that Aria had fallen asleep. They didn't want to wake her, and Marcus was grateful for them.

He'd have to remember to congratulate Inara on another job well done, considering how well Ryder had conducted himself despite Marcus coming very close to losing his temper. Every single one of his warriors knew that restraining Marcus when he'd lost his grip on his wolf was damn near impossible, and Ryder hadn't backed down at all.

Marcus was proud.

After almost two hours of driving, they pulled into the Ashryver compound, and Marcus glanced down at Aria.

She slept so peacefully, he hated to have to wake her, but he was itching to get out of the car. As gently as he could, he caressed her cheek, murmuring softly against her forehead.

"We're here," he said, brushing her hair out of her face. She shifted and slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times as she woke up.


"Let's get you inside," Marcus coaxed, helping her out of the car. She stuck close to him, and he kept his arm around her as they walked into the packhouse. It was quiet, as expected, considering it was long after midnight yet again.

"We're going to find Inara and debrief," Jaden whispered, nodding at Ryder who dismissed himself after bowing his head to Marcus.

"Before you go," Marcus said, stopping his Beta before he could disappear into the darkness outside. "I need you to gather as much intel on an Alpha named Griffin. He's young, white hair and a creepy smile. Something about him doesn't sit right with me."

Jaden nodded his understanding and left.

Marcus guided Aria back to his room, helping her climb the stairs one at a time. She giggled when she missed a step and almost fell, and it surprised Marcus with how much her laughter eased his tension.

"How come you stay in the packhouse?" she asked around a yawn. "Alphas usually have their own home a little further away from the communal house. Ya know, for privacy and stuff."

He knew she must have felt him tense up at her question, but she didn't push him on it.

"It's just easier for me," he lied, reaching the top floor - his floor- and unlocking his bedroom door. "It's more convenient for me to get work done."

"Oh," she yawned, nodding cutely.

"That makes sense."

He suppressed a smile and led her into his room, not bothering to turn any of the lights on. The LED from his digital clock was enough to illuminate the room, and Marcus was silently relieved that he'd at least decided to put Helena's clothes back inside his closet.

He helped her onto the bed and checked the bandages at her waist to make sure they weren't bleeding through.

"You can take the bed," he said, opening a few drawers and rummaging around for a spare change of clothes that Aria could wear. "I don't mind taking the floor for a while."

"That's silly," Aria pouted. "This is your land, and your bed, you shouldn't have to sleep on the floor just because I'm here."

He turned around with a pair of sweatpants that he knew would be too big for her and a T-shirt she would definitely drown in. A sudden rush of guilt surged inside him, and he set the clothes on top of the dresser.

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