Part 61

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(POV - Marcus)

Aiden had been about to speak when that overwhelming scent grew stronger, and he swallowed a whine.


Aria was there, her hand pressed possessively to Marcus' side, not begging for Aiden's life to be spared.


She was talking to Marcus. He'd ignored the screech of the other one, the other female that Aiden had mated in place of Aria. Every nerve in his body stilled and zeroed in on the small patch of skin that Aria touched, the rest of the world falling away.

"Marc," she said, her voice gentle, her wolf trying to soothe his. "Marc, look at me, please."

Her fingers flexed in the muscle of his side, her warmth pressing through his skin and sinking into his bones. Without any coherent thought, his wolf released, and his hand went limp. Aiden crashed to the floor, the other female hurrying over to him, but Marcus didn't care.

Marcus only cared about the small wolf behind him, who almost cowered when he turned to face her.

He only cared about that wound in her neck, the skin around it almost black from bruising, a mark placed there by force. He knew she could see it, the pain swirling in his eyes. But he could do very little to mask it just then.

He could smell it. He could smell the filthy claim put there by Aiden, his scent fresh on Aria's skin like they'd been together just moments before Marcus had arrived.

Had he made a mistake?

Had he run all that way, his blood boiling with the urge to kill, only for Aria to have chosen Aiden anyway?

He took a step forward, watching as tears gathered in her wide, honest eyes. She stumbled back, her eyes fixed on his until her back hit a wall and she had nowhere else to go. He felt his lip curl in disgust, his nostrils flared, hating the way Aiden's scent had poisoned hers. She looked so small, nothing like the wolf who had fought with him and demanded she be given the time she needed to think things through.

He could sense the guilt rolling off of her in waves as she looked up at him pleadingly. And that was fear shining bright in her eyes, but all his worries melted away when he saw her wolf reaching out for him, begging him to stay. To listen.

Her bottom lip trembled as she opened her mouth, the skin bitten raw with what Marcus could only guess was anxiety.

"Marc," she mumbled wetly, tears filling her eyes until they spilled over and stained her cheeks. It hurt. It hurt so much, knowing that she'd likely been claimed while Marcus had been back in his own territory, fretting over her safety.

He should have called sooner. He should have come here to see for himself if she had chosen Aiden instead.

He couldn't help the jealousy curdling in his chest, the way it snuffed out any tiny bit of hope he may have had on his way over.

And he had to know.

"Little one," he mouthed, the nickname catching in his throat. "Is this... is this your final decision?"

He would let her go, if it made her happy. As much as it would tear him apart, Marcus would respect her decision if it meant she finally got the happiness she deserved.

She hiccoughed, pressing her lips together, and she blinked up at him, eyes wide.

Slowly, as if she was afraid she might scare him off, she reached for his face, and he hated the way he flinched in response. But every nerve in his body was taut, expecting the absolute worst. She surprised him and pulled his forehead to hers. His eyes slipped shut, but not before he caught a glimpse of her wolf reaching out. Her eyes flitted from human to wolf, flashing amber as she looked up at him.

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