Chapter Six

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The short drive to the hospital is awkward and uncomfortable. We made a quick pitstop on the way and I loaded up on comfort snacks. Nathan eyes the bag in my lap for a moment before he turns his attention back to the road.

We once built blanket forts in the house and hid inside them, bellies full of these very same snacks. I'm surprised at the memory. It hurts my heart thinking back to all the nights Nathan and I spent playing games, daring the other to do outrageous things that would get us in trouble. He was a loving but extremely overprotective brother. It hurts to think how much has changed. What would our relationship be like now if things were different?

"So..." I say, just to fill the silence. "How's life?"

He lets out a breathy scoff. "Yeah. Fantastic."

"Me too," I mutter, wiping my palms across my jeans. "You seeing anyone?"

A muscle in his cheek jumps. "No. You?"

"No, not really."

His thumb taps against the faded steering wheel. He has cuts littered across his knuckles and large callouses. I compare them to my petite, baby-pink manicured nailed-hands that have dainty silver rings across my fingers.

"Been a while." Nathan says in his gruff tone that has no place in my memory. "Since you've been here."

Been a while. That's an understatement.


Staring out the window, I pick furiously at my nails. This entire situation feels so strained and awkward. The person next to me is my blood. My best friend growing up. Now, a stranger I can't hold a conversation with.

Ten years ago, after it happened, the entire night was a blur. Mum shoving my belongings into a faded, duffle bag, whispering in my ear to stay quiet. Loading the car and disappearing into the night. Nathan blinking back at me through the misty windows as he was left behind.

We say nothing the rest of the drive. I swallow down the thick lump that has formed in my throat. My back feels knotted with tension and I subtly try to relax into the seat.

A moment of relief came when Nathan pulled into the carpark of the small, rundown hospital in the next town over, but it was quickly replaced with a swirling sense of trepidation. Seeing my brother was difficult, but it won't be anything like seeing my father.

I flinch when the seatbelt flings back against the window. Nathan is out of the car before I even get a chance to unbuckle myself. I feel a little light-headed as we walk inside. There's a distinct smell of chemicals. The off-white walls and matching ceiling give me an instant headache. Soft music is playing but it's so low the lyrics are inaudible.

The woman on reception smiles when she sees Nathan. Her eyes focus on me and her lips twist into a curious frown as she tries to place who I might be. Considering my brother is quite good-looking, I imagine seeing him suddenly hanging out with an unknown woman would make people curious.

"Hey Nathan," she beams at him and her eyes dip over him for a moment. When she meets me eyes, a blush creeps up her neck and she looks quickly back to him. "You here to see your dad?"

"Yeah," he replies, rubbing a hand roughly down his face.

"Go on through," she says, eyes moving back to me, as if waiting for one of us to introduce me, but neither of us do.

I trail after him, growing more nervous with each passing step. A man steps out in front of us, and I almost run into Nathan, he stops so suddenly.

"Nathan," the man says in greeting, nodding at him.

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