Nightmare Alley

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A dark longated track way is not the best time to be walking, but for Spade it was nothing, he walked amoung the tracks were trains normally ran longated on.

Spade came a cross a wall with symbols, he read each one carefully.

"North along tracks 17R and 22 to risky, dry town 15mi south from were I came, I guess I could walk the northbound tracks to the next town I guess."

It was nearing early morning hours, Spade was tired but more so exhausted, he found a small town a few miles up that looked promising but not much to offer, at leased it had food, and shelter well I mean what could 60$ get ya these days.

Sanfrancisco few hours earlier~

Jake and Vega sat at a table, the place looked like a normal bar but pretty nice, they both sat at a table like the plan said, the two didn't order any drinks due to there mission but the after party was sure going to be a great one.

A radio sat on the table just in case, they both looked at the front door waiting for this mystery target, Vega cracks a joke.

"So, question Jake we just sit here looking suspicious as fuck, to catch are target."

"Quite, will ya any sign of are guy yet."

"Nope, mate Nota."

A man who looks to be in his mid 20s walks through the door, he looks pretty sharp dressed, he walks past the bar near the bathroom.

"What the fuck Jake, mate that's wired, he just went in the bathroom could that be him man."

"Vega he probably has to pee but chances of it being him are slim to none."

The man walks out of the bathroom with a briefcase in hand, Jake and Vega both looked at him like for sure if it was real, the mystery man starts to fast walk out of the bar, in tow Vega and Jake.

Jake calls in over the radio, "Guys, it's him were taling him now, keep on stand by." "10-4 got it over."

The man doesn't know there is people after him but continues to walk, Jake and Vega see this person duck into an ally way so they both duck by cover to see what's going on.

"Hey, that's him get him."
"Ow, wh wha hey that's my shit man"
"Fucking pussy, take his shit let's move, oh and do your self a favor, get the hell out of dodge."

"Noooo, stop ple."

Just as the man was trying to explain him self, three suppressed shots were fired striking him dead, Jake and Vega call in.

"Danny, get to 5th and concada, there's an ally way on 6th there's an access point from there, there's a dead man he's been shot."

"Fuck me, alright saw two guys come from there but I don't know if there involved so I'll be there in 2 minutes."

"Thank you, sit rep received."

"10-4 Jake."

Jake and Vega have there holsters open ready to make any one go dark, and off grid, Jake notices three figures  running down the ally way, Jake removes his pistol as if he were ready to take on harms way, the light from a light bulb flashing a beam of blond hair to Jake, still weapon in hand.

"Jake, put your piece away."

It was Danny, Ringer an porsh.

"Damn he don't look good."

"Yep, Danny he dont."

Ringer notices a small hypodermic hole in his neck area, he turns the man's face to have a better look.

"What do you see ringer." Porsh asks.

"Well, it ain't a bullet, smallest caliber ever used was a 4mm from a 4 shot pistol, but from what I see it's micro sized."

"Fuck mate." Vega says.

Ringer looks at the guy and checks for a ID card or something to Identify are guy, he pulls put some stuff.

"Let's see a wallet, and inside a Nevada Driver's license, and employment card for Crystal Entertainment, cancel carry enhancement, and a business card for a Raman place in Las Vegas."

Ringer also looks at the ID card, he looks at the card closely and saw something shocking the card read, 24 years old, his name, Devin Cranes.

"Jake, your dad worked with a guy didn't you say his name was Cranes."

"Danny, this is no time for call backs, right now we should be pondering how and why he's dead."

"Danny, Jake's wrong."

"How so Ringer."

"He's dead, I mean who ever got here before us did the job we would have, there's point in just standing here wondering about a dead guy, let's grab his stuff we could trace it, maybe get some answers to why he's here."

" your right, sorry man."

The crew grab the stuff off of him his wallet, briefcase, and even his weapon for prints, we even a small open skim of prolonged metal in his neck.

They rush to the vehicle, and drive off into the Night.

Draven, CO

Spade walked into a coffee house with stride, he found a table to him self and orders a small cup of coffee, Spade opens the bag he has and takes out his computer, he logs in to see a message from the conspiracy group he is with, Spade clicks on the email witch reads.

"Well, tracked your stuff you found during your train incident, it's to hot in Colorado, you need to find some were safe, there will be a house, it's tiny but I'll give you the keys, meet me in Deluth, Iowa, oh and as for your hole in the neck victim here's a link you might need this, I even linked Jake's phone number just in case you'd want to talk to him, it's (378-555-7000) (not a real number in real life) please make contact soon this running around needs to end, we have to shut this company down now, good bye for now, safe travels Spade."

Nate Spade, a hobo detective on the undernet became top dog in the biggest conspiracy yet, as soon as he closes his computer, the news ran a report, "man found dead in Sanfrancisco police suspect Ravenwood PMC but others disagree, the news was heard around the world as a world renowned actor Devon Cranes was found dead, local police ran autopsy and found the cause of death suspicious." Spade peaked up and found the next part shocking, " the report from another death just out side of this small town was deemed suspicious, the cause of death was from a neck explosion, a tiny micro insertion was found on both peoples necks, police are asking questions about the deaths and are requesting citizens to come forward with any news."

"Fucking shit."

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