Something Sincable (END)

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The old car stops alongated to the houses car park, two people step out of the vehicle Jake and Vega.

Spade looked at the two unpacking the trunk with what gear they had left , the two walk over but Spade as bold as he seems has his hand on his revolver he says, "Well I'll be, sure as shit you'd show your face round here after the mess your team caused in Sanfrancisco."

Jake looks at Spade with menace, " fuck you, sure as shit had my team killed, your probably the one behind it all you fucking trader."

Vega breaks off what looked like a blood bath beginning to happen, "Hey hey, you two fight like literal fucking children mate, for fuck sake can't we all get are shit together, what ever beef you to have can wait I'd love to kick my damn feet up an have a drink. "

Jake and Spade both look up at a disgruntled Vega and stop.



Jake and Vega and Spade walked into the lavish home, both kicked there boots off, Jake and Spade head into the kitchen as Vega carried the gear to a room.

Jake and Spade both have a beer and step out to a patio table that had swayed material and sit, they both crack open their beers and began to talk.

"Sorry I don't stock Canadian beer for ya bud, didn't know if ya like American draft or Canadian spirit." Spade says.

Jake takes a drink and says, "biggest fucking stereo type to assume, knowing that from a train hoping weirdo." Jake jokingly says.

"Well I'll give ya that one moose lover." Spade jokes.

Both of em toast to it.

Jake takes a sip and says "so, who's the girl ya had over, she your destiny, or so called fuck fling or what ever."

Spade looks for a way out but couldn't, he told him the truth, "Well the person you just mentioned happened to be Stephenie Crystal, thought you wanted to know."

Jake looked at him and swiged a drink of his beer, "Ya like tha, wait the girl that left this house, thee Stephenie Crystal, one who made the music album of my child hood, clothing anthoseiest, ex husband of James crystal, not to mention Jack's affair, and."

Spade drinks his beer and says. "Porsh's mom, yes Jake she told me everything, if you got here sooner I could of had her sign that album for you, any way yea she told me everything."

Jake swigs that last of the can and looks at the vast land he says, "woah, well fuck me sideways."

Vega opens the sliding glass door and says in a very seductive manner, "Oh Jake, tonight is the back entrance, the ride of the cobose."

Jake and Spade look at each other as Vega closes the sliding door, Jake says "huh, that's a first."

Spade starts to laugh almost losing his balance and says, " don't sound like it, and man I might add she looks Hella fine."

"Hey, watch it." Jake says.

Both Spade and Jake walk in the house, as they head into the living space to find something on tv, well a movie to watch together they start talking for real.

"To many um, to many movies bout war, not really something to be intriguing right now."

"Sorry bout that man, so I uh have some insight about porsh, she's well and in good hands."

Jake looks at him, he plays the words in his head, but he only sees what happened.

Jake begins to tear up, "she's alive, I mean like we're is she is she ok."

Spade gets to Jake's level, "she's fine man, she is getting care at a medical facility in valajho, but doctors are worried tho about like permanent damage, but she's in good health."

Jake didn't know how to feel or well feel in general.

"Thank you Spade."

Just as Spade returns the favor, Vega walks through hallway and says " Jake  could we talk man."

Jake fallows Vega in to the room as they enter Jake sees his gun, but next to the gun was a caseing that had a bullet, the bullet that killed Ringer.

"What's this Vega."

Vega and Jake sit on the bed, Vega says, "Jake I didn't know you kept this with you, mate be honest with me now and hoping your honest, are you ok."

Jake stood up and says, "I um, kept it as well a memory, I mean he was a good guy, but he wasn't all there you know? I had to do what's right, i had to do this to protect us Vega."

Vega gets of the bed and walks over to Jake who was looking at his gun, she held his had tight, she says to him, "it's not your fault you did what had to be done but you did kill a man in cold blood, Jake well put are selves into these situations where we can't do everything right, some times we all have to protect what we have an push on."

Jake turns to her and kissed Vega on the cheek, "I guess we have each other."

Vega pulls out a laytex item that was in a pack it she says to Jake, "the nights still young mate let's put it to good use."

Jake kissed her on the lips ,"Let's."

(Epiloge) "no matter what you always have to do put your mind to, because sometimes you'll never over come life, but there is one thing to remember, Family's don't mix with monarchs.

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