Rolling Involvements

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While the lingering of sun is still setting, Jake answers his phone, he notices the number that previously texted him was calling him, he accepted the call.

"You reached Jake."

"I thought I told you to get the hell outa dodge, but no, you decide to disavow my reasons."

"Look, I have all the proof I need, were on the way to pack out, I'll be driving separate, with porsh to the rally point in Duluth like you said."

"Well sure as shit not, fuck I told you not to stay and bug out, fuck man fuck, you might as shit well bring Ravenwood with you."

"A guy is dead man, Like I said ok."

Jake is packing the vehicle while porsh is in the passenger seat, the other members are loading the van to head out back up the coast.

"Look Jake, I am sorry about your firend man, you know I really feel bad, but like I get he's your firend or well I should say you want revenge cause it could make you feel good, but it won't, you know I pray to it, look get here and duck out the city, evade all big city's that can hit that tracker."

Jake climbs in the vehicle, and starts the vehicle.

"Thank you and sorry just really fucking losing it man."

Jake began to tear up.

"I get it Jake, but be strong and never turn a corner, just keep going straight, light will bring you safely here, safe travels my dear friend."

The call ends as Jake is starting his drive, he looks over at porsh who is fast asleep with headphones on, probably listening to some cheesey pop music.

He says to her in a soft coo. "Porsh, you don't have to be involved with this when we get out of this shit, you get a proper drink."

Porsh looks back at him.

"Rum it is I suppose."

Ringer was in the back of the van at a control center, he was looking back and fourth, he always had a fear of Vega or the rest of Jake's team really knew bout the connection.

Ringer dials a number.

"Get me every damn unit on Jake's position, I want a state wide be on look out on him, every heavy enforcement you can throw at him, do not aim through windows or such he may have a passenger on bord."

Ringer ends the phone call.

He looks down and thought he was making the right call.

The drive through the city wasn't bad quite peaceful if you ask me, but shit was about to hit the fan.

Jake picks up his phone that was Ringing.

"Go for jake."

"Hey this is the cheif from versa Police Department in Colorado, mission report."

"It's all complete I am booking out now."

"Got it, I am sending an fbi team to finish out the rest you know, so civilian fbi mess you know how that all goes."

"Cheif, Danny's dead, I got proof he's at the address in the motel out side san Francisco."

"Fuck me Jake, it's not your fault, I don't know if it were Ravenwood thugs or cristal thugs, but shit I am sorry for your loss, when you get back I'll make sure we grab drinks, catch up."

"Well both if you can say porsh and me."

Just as he ended the call, two black Mercedes s classes were tailing them at high speed down the I-80/I-505 freeway.

The first vehicle makes contact on the black Navigator.

Jake feels the tap and keeps the steering wheel at bay from not spinning, Jake finds a gun stuffed down by his leg, he grabs the MP5k from the holster.

He leans back the weapon to slings it back to aim it out the back window.

"Sons of bitches want to play, let's play."

He fires the automatic submachine gun out the back window.

The first cat tailing Jake got hit with a bullet barage through the window the driver dead, slung over the wheel, the car starts to drift over and crash into the other Mercedes.

The car Jake's in speeds off and serves in and out of traffic dodging ever bit of fire power they through at him.

After the moment they thought it was over, until the vehicle from a far distance comes behind the vehicle and began to tap its wheel into Jake's vehicle, he felt the vehicle lift off the ground and...

A splitting sound, then next rolling and finally the sound of a smashing piece of metal on metal contact.

Jake's vehicle was wreaked upside-down, he was trapped between metal and shards of plastics he couldn't move, porsh unconscious with bad cuts and dead wounds, head trauma was grossing as it is, but troubling enough, a metal rod was sticking through her vest, it didn't go all the way through but was there, she was silent, Jake was freaked out he couldn't move anything...

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