Snakes, Potters, and Potions

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A crisp white shirt, tied with a loose green tie. Tailored trousers ending in polished shoes. Slytherin robes draped artfully as he lounged on the armchair as if it was a throne. Black hair curling at his collar where a large snake sat. Long, pale fingers lightly stroking the snake's head, and a wicked smile on his lips as he hissed to the animal softly. 

This was how James Potter found Harry as he stumbled into the Slytherin common room, looking extremely awkward and out of place. As his eyes fell on Harry, they widened in shock. Harry knew James was thinking of Voldemort and Nagini and he revelled in it. 

"Potter," Harry said, his gaze fixing on the man, his fingers never stilling as Kaa hissed at James. 

James stared at the snake, "Where did you get a snake?"

Harry cocked his head, "Here and there."

"Is it dangerous?" 

Harry's eyes narrowed, "I'm sure my friend would appreciate it if you would call him by his name." 

James laughed, "Named him already have you? How adorable."

Now, there are many words that have been used to describe Harry. Some examples include terrifying, deadly, wicked. But never in Harry's life has he ever been called adorable. 

"Kaa, give the man a fright will you?" Harry hissed. 

An audible gasp of shock and terror came from James as he heard Harry speaking Parseltongue. At once, Kaa slithered off Harry's shoulders and onto the stone floor. James watched it with wide eyes. 

"Harry I don't know what you've told that thing, but you need to call it off." 

Harry smirked, "Is that an order Potter? Going to chuck me in Azkaban?" 

Kaa hissed as he approached James' leg. 

The man began to back away, "Harry, I'm warning you!" 

Harry chuckled, "Kaa, he's had enough." 

At once, Kaa turned around and travelled to Harry, slithering up his leg and onto his shoulders once again. 

"I cannot eat him?" the snake asked. 

"Not yet."

"How did you... I mean-" 

"Speak Parseltongue?" Harry finished. He stood up slowly, walking to James and stopping close to his face. "Blood adoption Potter remember?" Kaa hissed on Harry's shoulder. 

James look into his son's face, hating the fact that he saw Voldemort in his features. Hating that Harry had renounced his name, James' name. 


Both men turned to see Draco walking out from the dormitories. 

"Why the fuck are you awake so-" The blond boy caught sight of James and stopped, "-oh. Potter. What are you doing in our common room?" 

James glared at the Malfoy boy, "I'll have you know that I'm permitted to go anywhere I please in this castle Malfoy."

Malfoy sniffed haughtily, "Of course. Sir." 

Harry faced James again, his eyebrows raised, "Yes Potter, what exactly are you doing in here?" 

James folded his arms, "I was coming to escort you to breakfast. I thought you might need some help navigating." 

Draco appeared next to Harry, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder, "You don't need to worry sir, I can help him just fine."

James looked between the two boys, sighing, "Fine. But I'll see you in class Harry." He pulled a timetable out of his robe pocket and handed it to Harry, "Here's your timetable." 

Harry grabbed it, and shoved it in his pocket without so much glancing at the parchment. 

After a few moments of silence, James turned on his heel and left, muttering angrily under his breath as he went. 

Draco turned to Harry, "What the fuck was that?" 

"Dumbledore has a plan to turn me to their side. Kill me with kindness." 

Draco snorted, "As if that'll work. As soon as Christmas comes, I'll tell my father where you are and you'll be out of Hogwarts." 

Harry sighed, "Merlin I hope so." 


Unfortunately, after an uncomfortable breakfast where Pansy just about shoved Draco off the bench to sit next to Harry, he had double potions first. The classroom was in the dungeon, and he shared the subject with Blaise and Draco. "Potions make my hair frizz!" Pansy had shrieked, when Harry asked her if she also had the subject. 

When the three boys arrived to the dungeons, Harry could recognise two Gryffindors out of the hoard that was already congregated outside of the door. Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. Theo's friends that Harry had spotted him with at dinner last night. They caught sight of Harry and stared at him in a combination of fear, wonder, and anger. Evidently, Theo had been able to tell some of his friends about Harry's... situation. James was talking to the two of them, smiling and laughing. 

As they reached the door, the mudblood caught Harry's eye and went to walk to him. The Weasel caught her hand and hissed something to her, but she waved him off. Harry locked eyes with James and smirked. James' eyes flashed and seemed to say, "Be very careful young man." The mudblood reached Harry and stuck her hand out. Harry noticed as it shook. 

"My name's Hermione Granger, Theo's told me all about you," she said, looking at him with an expression Harry was sure she thought meant something very significant. 

Harry eyed the hand, before taking it and lifting it to his lips, staring at the girl through his eyelashes, "Charmed, I'm sure," he murmered, his gaze shifting to the Weasley turning red as a beetroot and to Potter, who shook his head. Harry let the now flustered girl's hand go as the door to the classroom swung open. 

Lily Potter stood in the doorway, her eyes latching onto Harry, taking him in hungrily before ushering everyone inside. Lily Potter was a strange woman, Harry thought. As she taught the class, her eyes never strayed too far from Harry. He could feel her eyes on him as she waffled on about the potions and antidotes that they would need to know for their exam. 

"Harry, do you think you could give me the answer?" she asked. 

Harry frowned, "I'm sorry ma'am, I missed the question." 

Lily beamed at the sound of his voice, "I asked if you tell me what colour a shrinking solution is supposed to be."

"Acid green," Harry said without thinking. These things had been drilled into him by his father by the time he was seven. 

"Well done!" Lily exclaimed, and Harry had to refrain from rolling his eyes. 

"Yes, well I was taught by the best." 

Harry smirked as Lily's smile dropped immediately. Draco sniggered next to him and Lily taught the rest of the class in a shaky voice. 

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