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There was something comforting about the Slytherin common room, even when it was crowded like it was that afternoon. The sound of first and second years scampering around like mice, holding books to their chests and worrying about assessments that were so inconsequential it made Harry smile in amusement. The hushed sounds of whispered warnings when a little one grew to close to Harry's chair. 

"Come back!" they would hiss, frightened, "You don't know where his snake could be!"

His Father had spoken fondly about the social hierarchy in Slytherin, and Harry hadn't really understood until he was there, at the top. Above Draco, above names like the Parkinsons and the Zabinis. He felt powerful, and he wondered if that was why his father had stayed so long at Hogwarts. Not because of classes or exams, because of the power he held. 

"I'm telling you Harry," Draco was saying, sitting next to Blaise, who had a book open in his lap, "You need to be careful around Potter." 

Harry looked at him, a smile playing on his lips, "Which one?"

"All of them, but especially James," Draco said leaning forward. "It's almost Yule, we're so close." 

"Going home for Yule Draco?" Blaise asked, not looking up from his book. 

Draco nodded, "Yeah, Harry and I are going together." 

Blaise hummed, "Sounds thrilling."

Draco rolled his eyes and turned back to Harry, "We have a week until our plan, and you can't screw it up now." 

"What plan?" Pansy asked, appearing from the girls' dormitory and draping her arms over Blaise's shoulders. 

Draco sighed, "Don't you have something better to do Pans?" 

Pansy pouted, "All the girls in there are so boring." 

"Yes, well, we are as well," Draco said, "So why don't you run off and bother someone else."

Pansy's face screwed up like she'd taken a bite of a lemon and marched around the couch to stand in front of Draco, looking down her nose at him as though he was dirt. She opened her mouth and Harry cleared his throat before Draco started crying. 

"Why don't you take a seat Pansy," Harry said, "I was just leaving, you can have mine." 

Pansy grinned instantly, the change in her demeanour so sudden it was almost frightening. 

"Thank you Harry," she said as Harry stood, stopping as Draco frowned at him. 

"Where're you going?" 

Harry shrugged, "Meeting someone." 

"Well remember what I said about-" 

"I heard you the first time," Harry said shortly, and Draco sat back in his chair, eyes to the floor. 

"I'll be back soon," Harry said, walking out of the common room as Pansy sat in his chair, smiling prettily. 


Theo was usually found sitting on the floor in the middle of the room of requirement, his eyes shut, or reading a text for homework, or laying on the tiles lazily. 

Today he was pacing. 

The door shut behind Harry and Theo didn't spare him a glance as he walked inside, instead glowering at the floor as he spun around and walked back the way he came. 

"Something wrong?" Harry asked, his gaze trailing after the boy. 

Theo grit his teeth, "No," he bit out. "Just my friends being stupid and my Dad being an absolute idiot." 

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