Dark Magic

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TW for blood and violence

Moonlight flickered in distorted spirals through the window of the Slytherin common room, murky because of the Black Lake outside. Harry sighed, watching as Kaa slowly made her way around his wrist, her scales catching the light of the moon, glistening off her tongue, which flicked in and out every so often. Harry sighed again, rubbing his free hand over his face.

"Something is upsetting you," Kaa noted, not pausing in her movement.

Harry glanced at her, then to the large clock above the fireplace that told him it was two in the morning. "I may never see Father again if my plan fails," Harry whispered, finally voicing what had been eating his insides for weeks.

"You need not take the Potter boy with you," the small snake said, "Why bother with him? Why create more trouble?"

Harry gently plucked Kaa off his wrist and looped her around his shoulders, "Because, my friend, I am nothing if not ambitious, and the young Potter is the key to Lily and James Potter."

Harry of course neglected to add that his Father would ultimately be proud of his achievements if he managed to escape Hogwarts with the young Potter as well, especially if the boy was willing to join their cause.

"I trust you Master," Kaa hissed, nestling into the warmth of Harry's shoulders, "But you must be safe."

Harry smirked as he stood, vowing to do just the opposite.


A few hours later, Harry sat at the breakfast table with the Gryffindors that were slowly beginning to warm up to him. The mudblood especially.

"Harry I'm reading up on the uses of unicorn blood in healing potions and although I'm fairly sure it's illegal I think..."

Her voice was drowned out by ideas running through Harry's mind as his eyes glanced between Theo, laughing with Ron, to Snape sitting sullenly at the staff table next to Lily, who unfortunately caught Harry's eye and waved enthusiastically.

Harry looked away quickly. He needed to find a way to lure Snape out on his own, away from the students. He needed to find a way to make sure that Theo followed them, alone.


Harry's gaze snapped to the mudblood and he smiled, "So sorry Granger, my mind was somewhere else."

"Are you all right Harry?" Theo asked, the look of concern almost amusing, "You seem kinda spaced out."

Harry grasped at this opportunity, "It's just Snape, he's been giving me a bit of a hard time."

Theo's eyes narrowed, "Stupid Snape. He doesn't even know you."

Harry wasn't about to tell Theo that he'd known that Snape was a Death Eater for years, but in some ways, the boy was right. The defence professor knew nothing about Harry other than he was the Dark Lord's chosen heir. He glanced at the man again, he still needed to get him alone.

"I don't think he likes me very much," Harry said, ducking his head to hide his sneer.

The mudblood sniffed, "I don't know why, you're a prodigy at defence, and you never talk in his class."

Harry shrugged, "Don't worry about it," he said, flicking his wrist and sending a silent heating charm at Snape's goblet as he raised it to his lips. Harry smirked as the professor jerked back in surprise at the scalding liquid, looking furiously around the room for who had cast it. Eventually, his eyes locked with Harry's, and Snape's glare morphed into a look of outright hatred. Harry jerked his head towards the doors to the hall, and watched as Snape rolled his eyes, muttering something under his breath before rising from his seat.

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