-Chapter II-

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Evelyn woke up in a room with a pounding headache and her vision still not fully there as she sat up slowly. Her thigh still hurt but she placed her hand on it to find it wrapped in clean bandages.

Once she could see properly again her gaze shifted around the room, it only having a small cot in the corner. She stood up, biting her lip in pain as her thigh still hurt when she added too much pressure to it.

The door to her left started opening, the girl turning and standing up straight to face the person. Janson walked in with a guard at his side.

"Evelyn, how are you feeling?" Janson asked stepping closer.

"Is that a trick question? I had something stuck into my neck and then I passed out. How the hell do you think I'm feeling in a place that is supposedly safe?" Evelyn quipped, furrowing her brows at the man as she kept her eyes staring straight at his.

"I am sorry for the inconvenience but we need to talk and I know you have a tendency to overthink things." He smirked as she let out an unamused laugh.

"I don't want to talk."

"I really just want to know what you remember about WICKED." Janson said raising his hands in defense.

She tilted her head and squinted her eyes at him. "Not much, but I'm sure you could fill me in. Right?"

He shook his head before bringing his eyes back up to the girl, clearly annoyed but tried to mask it with a smirk. "I knew you'd figure it out. You're a smart one."

"Yeah, maybe don't have WCKD printed on your supplies in the hallway." Evelyn suggested crossing her arms over her chest.

"Evelyn I need you to remember what we stand for. You and I used to be very good friends you know."

"Oh yeah?" She questioned, this time laughing because he actually said something amusing. "I find that hard to believe considering you threw me into a maze with deadly robotic spiders roaming around."

He shook his head and clicked his tongue as he gestured for the guard to grab Evelyn. "Never grew out of that attitude huh?" He asked as she now had her hands behind her back wrapped in the guards hands. "Seems to me you're not going to be very reasonable."

She looked at him curiously as she was led out ever so roughly into the hall. "What are you talking about?"

He only sent her an unsettling smile before they continued down the hall and into a dark lab only lit by blue lights.

"We have created this new machine that pushes your body to extreme limits for reasons I'm afraid I cannot share with you, but it hasn't been tested yet. You just so happen to fit the criteria. Now, since you insist on being difficult, you really don't have much of a choice." Janson explained as the guard had Evelyn sat in a chair with her wrists tied by metal cuffs connected to the chair and her ankles in the same thing.

"So relax and try to take your mind off of any pain that will surely spread from your brain to every inch of your body." Janson said as he walked over to a man who was controlling the panel that Evelyn guessed was connected to the large and frightening machine beside her. Another doctor walked over to her and started hooking up wires of sorts all around her skin.

She tugged at the restraints trying to get them off but they wouldn't budge. As she struggled, Jansons smirk appeared across his lips again before he walked over and stood right in front of her crouching down to her eye level.

"Well I'm sorry to say this but since you've figured me out, we have a small
dilemma. Obviously you're not going to change your mind so I'm afraid this is the only option." He said gesturing to the machine.

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