-Chapter XII-

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"In the beginning, we were lost. All we knew for sure was that the younger you were, the stronger your chances." Mary explained having a chord hooked to Thomas's arm to collect a sample of his blood for Brenda. Jorge was sat on the opposite side of the girl that Thomas was on and Evelyn leaned against a shelf with her hand squeezing her shoulder tight in hopes it would wash the pain away but the longer it went untended, the worse it got.

"You worked for WICKED?" He asked looking back at her as she filled a vial with blue liquid.

"Long time ago. You know at first we had the best intentions. Find a cure, save the world. It was clear you kids were the key because you were immune." Mary explained filling an injection tube with the liquid.

"But why?" Thomas questioned.

"Eventually we found an answer. An enzyme produced by the brains of the immune. Once separated from the bloodstream, it can serve as a powerful agent to slow the spread of the virus."

"So you found a cure?" Evelyn joined in the conversation, Mary looking over and shaking her head.

"Not exactly. The enzyme can't be manufactured, only harvested from the immune. The young." Mary said to which Evelyn let out an unamused laugh.

"Doesn't stop WICKED from torturing kids." She stated as Mary looked back to her pursing her lips.

"If they had their way, they'd sacrifice an entire generation. All for this." She said holding up the shot. "A gift of biology. Of evolution. But one not meant for all of us."

Mary walked over and sat beside Jorge as she injected the shot into Brenda's arm, the girls heaving chest starting to come to a slower pace now. Evelyn walked over as interest sparked at the speed the liquid seemed to be working, Thomas's eyes falling on her longer than a quick moment as she had sat beside him.

"How long will that give her?" Evelyn questioned looking up at Mary eagerly.

"It's different for everyone. A few months maybe. But that's the catch isn't it? She'll always need more." Mary said letting Brenda's hand rest on her stomach. As she stood up. "All right, let's let them rest."

"Wait, uh Mary?" Thomas stopped the woman from leaving, Jorge and Evelyn being behind her as she turned around and waited for Thomas to continue.

He looked at Evelyn debating whether he should actually say it or not. "Can you take a look at Evelyns shoulder? She was shot yesterday and hasn't had it looked at."

Evelyn gave him a look as Mary turned to her in surprise and scolding herself for only now realizing the bleeding wound.

"Oh my god. This happened yesterday?" Mary asked.

"Yeah but it's fine, it'll stop hurting eventually." Evelyn said, her face scrunching up as Mary added a small amount of pressure to her shoulder.

Mary laughed as she grabbed her hand and brought her to the other end of the tent, passing Thomas where Evelyn glared at him as he stood as well and followed them.

Mary huffed as she had forgotten something over where Brenda was so she walked back over now out of ear shot as Evelyn punched Thomas right in the chest.

"Ow." He hissed as he rubbed his chest, the girl having a bullet in her shoulder didn't stop her from throwing her fist hard. "Why?"

She shook her head at him, Mary still searching for the thing. "You weren't supposed to tell her, shank."

"Well you clearly need it to be looked at. You've been trying to cover up all day but I know it hurts." He replied fully sitting down next to her on a stool as she sat on the cot facing him.

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