Chapter 7

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I was waiting in my dad's car and watched him smoke cigarette as he talked to one of his man. When he finished he came back and sat next to me as the driver started the car. I impatiently stared out of the window.

Don't get me wrong. I went out 3 times a week but this is my first time going out with dad. I didn't even notice when the car stopped and we stepped out to a huge. AND I MEAN huge building. My mouth almost dropped open as I looked up at it. It was black. Of course it was black, it was my dad's.

"Come on" He said and I shuffled closely to him and we walked past few guards who greeted him. My dad just gave them a small nod and walked in.

Papa started walking towards the elevator and I just quickly followed him, but not without staring at every detail. There were 4 elevators in total. At least it's what I counted. Dad walked in the most elegant looking one, I guess only VIP can use that. I walked in fast, scared that the doors of it would close. As I went in I looked to my right where were bunch of buttons and the top one had number 25 written on it. I wanted press them. But I probably shouldn't. Dad will get mad.

"Press on 25th "he said suddenly and I froze. I swear I think he can read minds or he is just too lazy to press it. He is the boss after all. He doesn't have to do every little thing.

I tried to reach to the top button, but even after raising on my tip toes I couldn't reach it. I was about to complain when papa's arms went underneath mines and I was easily lifted up in the air.

I couldn't help but smile and quickly pressed on the button. I must be heavy for him. I was waiting for my feet to touch the ground but instead he put his  hand underneath my butt and with another held my back.

I'm not saying it was uncomfortable, but he might not be comfortable. Plus it will be embarrassing for others to see us like this. We never were this close anyways.

It took me few seconds to tell him to put me down and when I opened my mouth the elevator's door opened too. My eyes went to the hallway where was nobody found. So this must be only dad's office section.

We walked to the black door and dad put his finger on the scanner, then typed some 6 digit code and the door opened. It was a large office. Twice the size of the one he has at home.

He sat me down on leather couch and he sat to his desk looking at some documents.

"You can look around the office." Papa said and I quickly stood up. I was waiting for his approval anyways. I walked to the ancient looking Vase. It looked very expensive, I assumed it was from Japan. Because of all the ornaments. Walking to different book shelves there wasn't anything interesting I could find, so I decided to walk to dad's desk. It had many drawers. I hesitated to open them first and slowly tried to open the first one but since dad didn't say anything I assumed that it was okay as long as I don't mess them up. In first two drawers I didn't see anything interesting. Just some business papers. But when I tried to open the third drawer it was hard to open, so it took me some strength to pull it out. I gasped when I saw the weapons. There were two silver guns placed neatly and two set of bullets. I reached out to touch it.

"Don't touch that. It's not for kids like you to play with." I mumbled a small oh and didn't reach out anymore. I got a little upset. I'm not a kid anymore. Why can't papa think that I'm strong enough?

The silence was interrupted with a phone ringing. Papa picked it up but didn't say anything, he also didn't say anything when the person on the other side of the phone stopped talking. He just hung up.

"Matthias, I will be back soon stay here." He said in Italian and walked out of the office not waiting for my answer.

I pouted and huffed to myself.

*An hour later*

This is so boring. I flipped through the book I grabbed from one of the shelves. It was not interesting at all. When is dad coming back? He said he would be back soon.

I wish he would not lie to me and think of me as a serious person. Not a child. Then, a good idea crossed my mind. What If I show him that I am not a joke but strong.

I hopped down from the couch and went to the third desk drawer. I paused before I opened it. Papa said to not to touch it. But how would he know if I touched it?

I opened the drawer and hesitated but still took the heavy metal out. I did not expect it to be this heavy. I can finally show dad that I'm good enough. But the thing was that I didn't know how it worked. I decided to press on the only button, I think it will load the gun. Unexpectedly I heard the loud noise and my ears started ringing as the gun went flying from my hands. It was so loud that my ears hurt. I didn't hear the heavy metal hit the floor. I could see the blurry vision of someone opening the office door and them running towards me. It was papa.

"thias.. Mathias...MATHIAS" He said as he scanned his eyes over my body. By that time the ringing was gone and I already knew what he was searching for.

"I-I'm not hurt" I managed to say between my sobs and he sighed relaxing his face. He then slowly reached out to me and picked me up.

" gave me a scare" he said as he rubbed my back few times. He then looked down on the floor and saw the gun laying down on the carpet. I saw his face features twitch and that he opened his mouth to say something, but another sob broke out from me and he decided to not to say anything other than small hums.

My face was pressed to his chest as he decided to walk out the office with me but I managed to take a peek and saw the expensive vase from earlier shattered.

Oh no.

My dad is a mafia leader (spanking fic)Where stories live. Discover now