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Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

Linnaeus Headquarters

Aurora just leer at the Zagreus meeting and greeted all the shareholders in the conference room as they got settled. "Remind me again. Why is he here?" Aurora asked as she shifts watching her Personal assistant, Brooke. 

"His grandfather was the shareholder of the company which is now passed down to him." he sighs. "Be nice he owns the next major 35% share after yours 63%." Brooke played nice as she watched him. 

"I wish he wasn't here!" Aurora says while Brooke smiled. "Cause you thought he was Aiden's father!" broke whispered while Aurora rolled her eyes and takes her seat along with everyone. As she sat everyone's eyes settled over her along with Zagreus. She shared a contest gaze with him until she pulled away and he smirk.

"As we know we are gathered here for the new CEO election today. I would like every one of you to vote for one. You know the rules and value of your vote!" Brooke speaks and everyone nodded. 

"We shall begin!" He speaks. Zagreus was the first one to speak as he watched Aurora. "Aurora!" 



Brooke looked at her as she speaks "Aurora!" Everyone smiled as she shared the gaze again with his blue orbs. 

"Aurora Linneus is our New CEO!" Brooke announced as everyone clapped their hands. Zagreus gets up from his seat along with Aurora is the first one to congrats her. 

"Congrats Aurora!" Zagreus brought her knuckle to his lips but before he could kiss Aurora pulled away and he watched. "Thank You!" She smiled as others walked and congratulated her. 

Everyone walked out leaving Aurora and Zagreus in the conference room along with Brooke. Brooke collected the papers. "I will be in the cabin!" He speaks walking out leaving the two alone. 

Aurora grabbed her coat without meeting her eyes with Zagreus while he watched her every move like a hawk. "You know it's not getting anywhere you avoiding me!" Zagreus speaks while standing near the door. Aurora stopped watching him with a thin line over her lip.

"I mistake you for someone last night. It's never happening again!" She speaks as Zagreus steps near her and she stood back until her back hit the chair. "Tell me who was it or what was it? My Voice!" He asked as she remembered her kidnapper's voice. "I was abducted a few months ago. Your voice was so similar!"  

"Abducted!" Zagreus asked still in confusion knowing it was him. "Yeah! I felt it was you!" Aurora marked stepping closer to him as he chuckled intimiating her. "Are you accusing me?" 

"Well, I am telling. I don't have control over people's thoughts!" She says not wanting to have further conversations with him. She just walked past him leaving him alone in the conference room. 

Zagreus chuckled as he watched the door close. 'She had everything so right!' he wondered walking out behind her. His men bow as he walked and followed him behind like loyal wolves. 

Aurora walked inside her cabin keeping her coat over the chair as Brooke walked with papers. "Took you long enough!" 

"He is annoying. I think I am paranoid thinking he was also the one who kidnapped me." Aurora expressed as Brooke stood watching her. 'She is all right while he is just playing with her. Kensington has a fasination for playing around!'

"You are not paranoid. You are a mother now and you have an instinct for protection." Brooke whispered while Aurora smiled thinking of Aiden. He was all that brighten her day and life. 

"He is all I have now!" she whispered but Brooke heard smiling he left the room as she takes her father's chair. She has now to rule her family business. "And I have no idea how to run an oil business!" She whispered while watching everything around her. 

Brooke walked out of his cabin and directly walked to Aurora's cabin finding her stuck in work and laptop around her. "Are you finished? I was wondering to drop you off since you haven't brought your car and see Aiden." Brooke asked while leaning against the glass door. Aurora nods closing the file and arranging them nicely. She grabbed her purse and stuff stepping near him. "Let's go before someone thinks to give a surprise visit!" She speaks and Brooke chuckle escorting her. 

Aurora and Brooke were communicating about business as they stepped into the parking. "Tell again how that thing works!" She asked while brook smiled holding her bag while she put on her coat. "I will show you around."

He unlocks his car until another Luxurious car pulled with a few behind him. Aurora watched the cars in confusion until one man got out and pulled the door open for someone. Aurora immediately chuckles at her sight in sarcasm. "He is Obsessed with you!" Brooke smirked while Aurora rolled her eyes. "Get your car!"

"I hope you don't like it the hard way!" Zagreus speaks loudly while Aurora watched him in anger. 

"I am not coming with you!" Aurora say while Zagreus stepped near her and she watched Brooke getting inside the car. "I was hoping nice dinner with the CEO. Of course, discussing business!" Zagreus played nice. 

"Sorry, I have a thing to see!" Aurora tried to be nice as Brooke pulled his car watching her. "I have to go!" She speaks trying to walk past him when Zagreus hold her elbow and watched Brooke. 

"Drive safe brother!" Zagreus speaks leaving Aurora shocked. She exchanged looked between the two of the until Zagreus picked her up over his shoulder. "What the fuck Zagreus!" She yelled as he walked to his car and Brooke drive away. 

Zagreus safely puts her inside without hurting her hurt and took the seat beside her. "How dare you?" Aurora yelled at him as she stable herself watching him. The car door closed and the driver started the engine. 

"You accused me of kidnapping. So, I thought why not do it for you!" He speaks while she moved away from him. "Whatever! Just drop me home. I have a thing to attend!" Aurora says trying to get comfortable around her kidnapper. 

"Like your son!" Zagreus speaks shocking the soul out of Aurora. Aurora's eyes widen as she watched him. "How do you know?" She demanded while Zagreus types over his cell and closed keeping it in the pocket of his coat. 

"It's my business to know everything about the shareholder of the company! by the way, we haven't officially met," Aurora watched him as he introduced himself. 

"Zagreus Adair Kensignton, Great Grandson of Adair Kensignton and Businessman and Philanthropist!" He speaks as Aurora chuckles. "You already know about so no need for the introduction!" She says in a brutally honest tone. Zagreus nods his head watching her glancing out of the car. "You crashed lots of business around the world!" Aurora speaks breaking the silence. Zagreus smiled as they exchanged glances. "You did research over me!"

"I asked Brooke to do it for me. I should know what I am getting into!" She says as Zagreus nods his head. "So you do enjoy crashing the stock market and ruining the business around. Is it your hobbies apart from the mafia." She asked while Zagreus watched her. "I would rather like to show you one!" He smirks as Aurora rolled her eyes. 

"You are an Ass!" She mumbled as Zagreus chuckled. 

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