September 3, 2018

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I close my laptop smiling at the new email I received from Grayson.

He seems like a genuine sweet person. I could be wrong.

So don't quote me on that.

I'm currently on my way to the store to get supplies for the box I'm sending out to him.

I know he says I don't have to which is true I don't. But I want to.

I glance down at my phone when I hear it ringing.

"Hello?" I speak into the phone.

"My favorite girl. How are you doing?" He speaks over the phone.

"Theo? Where have you been? You haven't visited, called nor text. Is everything okay?" I rush out.

"Adeline babe, I'm fine. I've just been busying. Like super busy. I'm actually calling to invite you somewhere." Theo says.

Theo. My best friend or brother. My military friend I was telling Grayson about.

He calls everyone names like, babe, honey, sweetheart. Some people take it the wrong way.

I've known him long enough to know he doesn't mean it in any type of way.

"Where would that be at?" I walk into store trying to keep my voice low.

"So as you should know my birthday is in November right? Right. Anyways I'm throwing a little get to together for it. November 26th my place. Be there. Or I will go to your house and personally drag you." Well damn.

"Of course I'm going to be there, honey. I wouldn't miss it and you know it. I'll make sure my schedule is cleared for that day. When you say small get together how many people are we talking?" I ask.

"Ehh just a couple of friends. My brothers as well. You know how that goes. Why don't you give Jackson a chance? You know he has been in love with you for the longest." Ahh. Jackson.

"One date. I'll go on one date with him. If It doesn't go well then I don't know what to tell you. Plus you know I was dating someone." I tell him.

"That jackass. That was years ago babe. It's time to put yourself out there again. Not just a fling. I'll see you soon. Remember be there." With that he ends the call.

I look around and grab a cart and start pushing it.

I'm thinking of just sending essential. Like wipes, toilet paper, Toothpaste, some food, toothbrush, soap. Things just like that.

I throw three of everything in the cart. You can never have enough.

I throw some can food in the cart as well. Some chips of multiple kinds just in case. Some candy as well.

I grab a box to send it all in as well.

Walking up to the counter I put everything on it. Looking at it all its kinda of a lot.

Did I over do it? Whatever.

The guy behind the counter looks at me funny.

"You throwing a party or something?" He ask.

"No, sending it to someone." I reply.

"Dang it. So I'm guessing you have a boyfriend? I was going to ask for your number." He is giving me the creeps. The way he is looking at me.

He smiles and shows his yellow teeth. And sends me a wink.

"No, it's to my husband." I just say that to throw him off. I don't want him asking anything.

"I guess I'll leave you alone then." He replies.

"Your total is $324.67 ma'am." He bags everything and puts it in my cart.

I guess I did go a bit over board. I have the money for it so it's okay.

I pay and say thank you and head home.

I walk in to see my brother and Abigail in the kitchen.

"You're back." Abigail yells and runs towards me.

I bend down and hug her.

"Hi baby, Thomas been nice to you?" I ask standing up.

She nods and smiles.

"What's up with all this sis?" Thomas ask.

"Sending it off to a friend." I place the bags on the counter.

"Well isn't he lucky. You want to hand me some of that?" He says with a laugh.

"Oh hush, you can take care of yourself. I'm not saying he can't but he is overseas it's limited." I tell him.

"Thank you for watching Abby for me. Again. I'll take over from here. Thank you." I go to hug him but then think against it.

Me and my brother aren't very affectionate towards each other. We only hug if needed.

"Of course. See you soon sis. Bye sweetheart." He gives her a kiss on her cheek and she starts giggling and smiling.

She has been obsessed with my brother since I can remember.

He leaves and locks the door behind him.

"You wanna help me put this box together baby?" She nods.



I know you said not to send you a box but I wanted to. I hope this has everything you may need. Share if you can. I know some people don't get boxes or anything. I hope you get this.

                                                     Adeline. Xxx


I place the note in the box and close it. I'm sending it off today. The sooner the better.

Authors note:

I did this just so you can kinda get a insight on her life.

Also so you can know what was all in the box.

Also so you could meet Abby and Thomas.

Sorry for the short chapter.

Love you.


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