October 28, 2018

972 31 4

October 28th, 2018
1:23 pm

Darling Adeline,

Yeah it's gotten even more crazy since our last email. At least regarding their whole situation.

They have kids together and she is trying to get full custody of them.

I don't think the court will allow that. After all she has been to jail, had warrants.

School even called CPS on her. Of course my buddie can't necessarily do anything.

They aren't allowing him to leave. He doesn't ever want to leave his kids alone with her, but he signed a contract so he has to.

He usually has his mom stay over there for most of the time. Of course his wife or soon to be ex wife doesn't like it.

But he does what he has to and what he can do.

It's all just a big mess. He doesn't deserve this at all. If you knew him in person you would understand.

I know not everyone is like that. Well at least since I met you.

I told him you said you send your condolences. He laughed and said thank you sweetheart.

Told him none of those pet names but he doesn't mean it in any way.

He even calls some of us names like that.

He said don't be sorry, it was meant to happen and should've happened a long time ago.

You made me just spit out my drink. You're funny.

Yes their marriage did die. It's not too soon. Well maybe if you said it to him.

Even then he would probably laugh. He doesn't care that he is getting a divorce. He just wants to make sure his babies are okay.

I told her I would only dance with her in the rain for 5 minutes. I'm not necessarily a fan of dancing.

So I did end up dancing with her. I know she enjoyed it.

She ended up getting sick. I knew it would happen. I told her so but she didn't listen.

I'm sure Abby will get better with the rain. Most people do.

You should get her a little dog. That may also help her in the long run and right now.

I'm not sure if she was wearing heels but knowing Isabel she was probably wearing them.

Has she emailed you? Have y'all talked?

She hasn't told me anything. Said I just needed to ask you if she did or not.

I hope you like my sister. If you didn't and she didn't like you it would honestly be horrible.

You don't get up and walk around to kill time?

I can't really do nothing over here when I can't sleep.

Usually when I'm at home and can't sleep I just wake up Isabel and tell her to watch a movie with me or something.

Or just go for a walk. Usually kills time pretty fast.

I've always had a problem with heights. Since I was a kid. I once fell pretty far down when I was a kid. I think that started it.

I was playing around. Accidentally Slipped and fell.

Letters to GraysonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora