November 12th,2018

950 31 19

November 12th, 2018
4:56 pm

My Addie,

I don't think an email may make me this happy.

Every time I log in to this computer, I get happy when I see your name.

You hold too much power over me. I suppose I should mind it but...

I don't mind it, not at all. :)

Thank you for your kind words. I'm really appreciative of all your words.

I think we may actually leave on time. We have done everything we needed to.

We are all stressed, tired and frustrated, but as long as we get to go home when we are supposed to, we don't mind.

Because when it's all over, I know I'll finally be in my own bed. With my own peace and quiet.

My sergeant says he can't tell us much, but he said all he can say is we will be on leave soon.

As long as I leave, the timing doesn't matter so much.

I'm just hoping Isabel doesn't work that day. She usually picks me up from the airport.

It's become our thing.

I know even if she works she'll come get me, but I don't want her to miss out on work.

She says her boss is okay with it. Seems like he is more lenient with numerous things when it comes to her.

It's some work event that she wants me to attend. I'm not certain why, but she wants me there.

Typically, she likes me there for moral support. Says it helps her keep calm and get through it.

I told her I'll go if I'm home by the time the event starts.

Hopefully, if I'm able to attend, it will go smoothly. I know last time I went to one of her events it wasn't so good.

Surprisingly, she still wants me to attend this one. I'm almost positive it's because she wants to introduce me to some more of her workpeople.

People can be assholes, so I just hope they are all treating her well.

She knows I'll defend her no matter what.

When all is well, I know I'll be home. So, hopefully, it's before the event.

Don't be hurt over her not answering you.

You have me. ;)

She has been busy lately. Usually when I get to call her, she tries to keep it short.

She, of course, talks for a while, but then she tells me she has to get back to work.

I just hope she isn't letting work take such a troll on her. I know how she can get.

Yes, there are far more than just 10 marines in a unit.

We have a base, meaning we have our Sargents here as well as us.

Our bases contain our living quarters, our gear, that we keep separated from the main weapon unit.

They send a couple of us out here and there.

They try to separate it, meaning have some men and women go out.

Not just the men or women.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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