Another Year of You

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Law's POV

The day was dragging by, even though it was already noon. Law had been up by eight, using the extra time to study for a test he had today. He probably didn't need to, but there was no reason not to be over prepared. By the time 11:00am rolled around and Law sat down for his test, he was feeling pretty mentally tapped out, but managed to finish his test before anyone else. He stood and turned his paper in and then grabbed his things and left without another word. Professor Caesar was so used to this by now that he didn't even bat an eye at the grumpy young man, simply lifting a hand and giving him a twiddle of his fingers for a wave as he continued to read his book.

Law had gone straight to the lounge afterward, looking forward to a steaming cup of coffee. It wasn't nearly as good as (Y/n)'s, but it would have to do. He paused, wondering what she was up to. Probably struggling with her writing before giving up and wandering around the house with music blasting. He smirked into his cup of coffee as he sat in one of the comfortable lounge chairs and pulled out a book. She was like a cat at times, wandering around the house for ages in a daze until she found a comfy spot and curled up for hours.

"Trafalgar." A familiar voice came from the entrance about an hour after Law had settled into his book.

Law flicked his eyes up and they narrowed at the man walking towards him. "Willows."

The man was quite tall, taller than Law by a few inches, and thin and had mid length dark chestnut hair that was constantly falling into his eyes. Strange tattooed symbols adorned his fingers and his sharp jaw was covered in short stubble. There was a white bandage wrapped around his neck, as always. Most striking were this man's violet eyes, which currently stared at Law with a mixture of goodwill and cold reception. He slid his hands into the pockets of his white lab coat and raised an eyebrow.

"You're still here?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

The man chuckled. "Let me guess, you got distracted with your book and didn't check your email?" Law tilted his head curiously and so he continued. "Class was canceled. Something about Mihawk's daughter and the kitchen lighting on fire."

"That's unexpected. I could have been home an hour ago." Law sighed and closed his book, slipping it back into his bag. "What are you doing here, Isha-ya?"

"I was actually on my way out when I noticed you." Isha said, eyes gleaming as he looked ready to start something.

Isha Willows had been a close acquaintance of Law and (Y/n)'s for a few years now. At first glance, the two seemed decently close, but for anyone that paid close attention, they knew the relationship between Law and Isha was complicated. Like Law, Isha was not the type that liked to deal with unnecessary hassle and would often play nice to get ahead. However, with Law, there was certainly a bit of a strained rivalry that was present. The two were both cold and calculating, both straight A students, and both in the same major. To make things more complicated, Isha was currently dating Twili Ulan, Law's ex. Law had no interest in Twili anymore, but he wasn't heartless enough to act like the year they'd been together never happened. Isha, on the other hand, was and would often pretend like there was no history between the two at all. Whether this was to get under Law's skin or because Isha truly didn't care about the past, Law wasn't sure. Despite that, Law and Isha still managed to get along and were even often mistaken as brothers, much to both of their distaste.

He fished around in his pocket for his pack of cigarettes and pulled out his phone with them. "I heard Eustass got in a little scuffle and you played witness."

Law smirked. "I don't know if I'd call that a scuffle. More like an execution." He said, standing and following Isha outside so he could have his smoke.

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