White Rabbit

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White rabbit, white rabbit run run run.

Your eyebrows twitched as you woke. Your whole body ached and you could hardly move. Under you was soft bedding, although it seemed rather moth eaten. At least it was better than a cold, hard floor.

White rabbit, white rabbit run run run.

Slowly the events of the day were coming back to you. You were kidnapped and tortured for information. Somewhere along the way you were rescued, but your saviors didn't seem much better than the monster that had sliced into you. Both of them seemed unhinged.

Bang bang bang bang goes the farmer's gun,

Someone was gently singing nearby to the rhythm of a steady shick shick shick sound. The voice was barely familiar.

So white rabbit, white rabbit run run run.

You opened your eyes just enough to see who was singing nearby. Across the dusty room, sitting with his ankle up on his knee, was the psycho that had brained the hell out of Vergo. He sharpened a knife to the beat of his little song, the same wide smile still on his face as he worked.

White rabbit, white rabbit run run run,

Don't give the farmer his fun fun fun.

He'll get by without his rabbit pie,

So white rabbit, run rabbit run run run.

You trembled. This man was unnerving. He hadn't hurt you, but you felt like he could do so at any moment. His existence confused you. The actions he'd shown and the expressions he'd held were mortifying and cruel, but yet he radiated such warm sunshine. What the hell was he?

The man paused, uncrossing his legs and lowering the knife and whetstone in his lap. He tilted his head and then looked at you, a wide smile changing to a warm grin. You flinched. The guy was perceptive.

"G'morning, Miss!" He spoke with such cheer. His rusty red strands of hair swished under his orca cap as he stood and came over. "How are you feeling?"

You flinched back at his approach, making him frown. Oh you didn't like that either. His frowns seemed puzzling and calculating. You weren't sure what he wanted with you, who he was, or what his intentions were. Not knowing was putting you very on edge. After a moment, he seemed to get an idea and he sat on the edge of the bed, throwing the knife into the very furthest wall before turning to you.

"My name's Shachi. I'm not sure if you remember, but I saved you yesterday. I'm not gunna hurt you, swear it." He wrinkled his nose a little and continued to smile. His voice had softened, it was gentle and filled with warmth now. You hadn't noticed before, but he had a German accent thicker than Law's. "Awful pretty little thing, aren't you? I bet your whole face glows like a sunflower when you smile."

Your face flushed with color, taken aback by his sudden flirting. Oh man was he hard to read. He went from murder, to twisted glee, to warm, to sweet talking so fast it gave you whiplash. At least this was better than the deranged joy he seemed to have before.

"T-Thank you." You stammered, unsure how to respond to this strange Shachi guy. "Where...am I?"

"Oh we took you home. Well, to our home. Yours isn't safe anymore." Shachi leaned in, placing his hand over yours. If you looked very, very closely, you could see heavy lidded amber eyes gazing back at you from behind the sunglasses. "Don't worry though, we'll keep you safe. Promise."

You shivered. You felt mildly uncomfortable from his advances. Just as you were about to tell him you had a boyfriend and he was too close, another shout came from outside the room and you immediately withdrew again.

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