Over the Spider Lilies

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Despite Sengoku offering to come pick you and Law up, you insisted on getting a rental car. It was only for two days and you weren't hurting for money; your book was selling very well and trickling more and more funds into your already cushiony inheritance. Law didn't argue. You could see that despite his relaxed exterior, he was quite nervous to meet your Grandad. After everything that had happened, his reaction felt very normal and human. You needed normality badly, both of you did.

You let him drive you to Grandad's house. Giving him the keys and putting him behind the wheel seemed the best way to calm his nerves. He just needed to be doing something. Meanwhile, you sat next to him playing dj and putting on various songs you thought both of you would like. Law pretty much listened to anything aside from country and deathcore. And you, well your tastes depended on your mood.

The drive down to Grandad's was peaceful. He lived out on the coast of Florida, in a little cottage near the shoreline. He certainly could afford something more glorious with his pension, but Grandad liked his quiet and enjoyed his quaint living space. It was something he, your father, and you all shared in common. There was no need for anything so fancy when happiness was the main goal.

Law turned left onto a quiet street when you instructed him and drove down its length, swinging a right into the driveway. The house was small by Grandad's standards, but for you and Law, it seemed rather large. Law was 6'3 and Grandad was still going to tower over him. The house had been custom built with his measurements in mind so he wouldn't have to keep ducking and hitting his head in his older age. Not that that was a problem, even at 82, Sengoku was not held back by his age in the slightest.

"Think he'll like me?" Law sighed and turned to you with a little smirk.

You looked back at him and giggled. "Of course. Doesn't everyone like you?"

Victory. You finally managed to pull a soft laugh from him. "What a different life I'd be living if that were true." Law mused. He pulled the keys from the ignition and shoved them in his hoodie pocket. "Alright, time to sink or swim."

"Well maybe let's not place bets on that." You pressed your lips into a sympathetic smile. Law did not enjoy anything to do with bodies of water considering he sank like a rock. "You know, considering how well you can do the latter."

"Haha, very funny." He smirked and pinched your cheek before getting out of the car.

You and Law approached the door and you raised your hand to knock. Your knuckles had hardly brushed against the solid wood door before it swung open and a nine foot tall giant popped out, wrapping his arms around you and lifting you into a tight air hug.

"There's my grandbaby!" Sengoku bellowed, his large white overcoat waving around his shoulders.

You laughed and hugged him back. He smelled of sandalwood and oranges and still had a few crumbs of crackers in his mustache. Behind him scampered a goat and a seagull flew from one room to the other. Grandad always seemed to have some kind of animal hovering around him. Oh how you had missed him and the salty air of his beach home.

He gently placed you back on the ground and then turned to Law, finally giving him notice since your arrival. His facial features went from overjoyed to shaken, like he was staring at a ghost. Next to you, Law looked equally spooked. There was tension that you didn't recognize nor did you know the source of it. You went to speak and try to save the situation, but Sengoku suddenly came out of his stupor.

"You must be the boyfriend I've heard so much about." He chuckled and reached out his hand. "Sengoku Ishimori! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!"

Law narrowed his eyes and gave the man a pleasant smile. "Trafalgar Law. Likewise." He reached forward to shake Sengoku's hand and was suddenly yanked forward into a hug of his own. "Ack p-put me down!"

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