JUN | Gadralneure

37 0 1

We see that the mighty have fallen,
that the great have withered upon the tree,
cowardly heroes of their own epic tale,
who worship the Almighty "me".
They think that they are the chosen,
that their money proves their true worth,
that they are the ones who should lead us
and it has been so since their glorious birth.


for "The Ode and the Oxymoron" contest


Q1. What are the 3 words you'd use to describe your poetry?

Provocative, Mythological, Insightful

Q2. What does poetry mean to you?

It serves as a way to share my philosophy and also as a catharsis for me.

Q3. Can you tell us a little bit about your entry for The Ode and the Oxymoron contest?

Children of Mammon is basically a warning to the wealthy and empowered about their lack of concern about the struggles of the masses for a decent life.

Q4. If you could visit one era, which would you choose?

It's a tossup between Victorian times in England or the 1920s in the United States.

Q5. What is your favourite poem?

It's another tossup between Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kubla Khan" or T. S. Eliot's " The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock".

They are on such opposite ends of the spectrum that it's really hard to decide.

Q6. What would you say makes a good poem?

Honesty, Passion, and Determination


Thank you for chatting with us!

If you want to read their works, visit them at Gadralneure.

Until next time!

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