Versification 2023: uschibear

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Dame Sutherland's bell tones soared in the soprano arias of Verdi's great operas as he plopped two orbs into formaldehyde to preserve them. Whistling along, The Eyeball Bandit found the activity the perfect antithesis to his usual occupation.

Jiggling the jar until the lovely rare lavender irises aligned, he stopped when sat exactly one atop the other.  Screwing the glass lid closed, he sealed them into immortality.

If people turned a blind eye to the sins around them, then they should not see.  Simple punishment for a simple condition.

Sighing, he placed his newly acquired prize up on the top shelf of his wine cooler.  It joined forty other sets of soulless orbs.  He giggled.  Leaving the punished alive was an added bonus.  Perfect really.

Sitting back, he picked up his novel.  The easy chair situated precisely in the correct spot to allow him to raise his eyes from reading and see the row of eyes gazing at him.  Each grateful to be released into calm perfection. 

A glass or two of a lovely sparkling wine, music totally divine, and the company of those who were forever happy to see no evil.  There was no more tranquil way to spend his Sunday.

Hello Aesthetes!

Here we have with us uschibear one of our day winner and runner up of the following day:
🔺 Day 2: Tranquil
🔺 Day 3: Mellow
🔺 Day 12: Seize
🔺 Day 27:Pawn
🔺 Day 28: Sailor
🔺 Day 29: Veil
of versification 2023.

🎈1. What was your favourite prompt in Versification?


🎈2. Share with us your favourite poem/entry you wrote for versification.

Jurella's Awakening.

🎈3. What are three words that you'd describe your writing?

Direct, creative, and realistic.

🎈4. What is the inspiration behind your poetry/writing?

Life in all it's varied experiences

🎈5. Do you have a favourite Poet or Poetress?

The one that I am reading at the moment I pick up a book of poetry.

🎈6. What was your favourite part of Versification?

The challenge and variety of prompts.

🎈7. If you could meet one poet, dead or alive, who would it be?

Robert Service.

🎈8. What style of poetry/writing do you write normally?

When it comes to style I am a chameleon. With poems it can be anything from free verse to strictly structured. With stories, the characters and plot dictate the genre and I cross over in every direction.

🎈9. What is your favourite poem you've ever written and what inspired it or is the story behind it?

My favorite is always the one I just finished writing.

🎈10. Anything you'd like to add or say?

To those who are aspiring poets or authors, the most important thing you can do is write. Write something everyday. Don't beat yourself up about mistakes. Editing is a process for after you get things on paper, or in my case the computer screen.

Thank you uschibear! Do check out their winning entry 'Versification 2023' and shower them with lots of love.


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