Versification 2023: iamverda357

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Deemed folly

She was as if lured out of a historical book,
Alluded by the shimmering lights of New York.
She feverishly sought it's history,
visualized it's corruption;
Decided her delicate heart did't belong in the present.

There were no horses on the busy street,
No gentleman offered a long, peaceful walk.
She was scoffed at for seeking romance,
For engaging strangers in small talk.

Her love of sad poetry, and her old little habits,
made her whole but a deemed folly.

Hello Aesthetes!

Here we have with us iamverda357 one of our day winner and runner of the following days:
🔺️Day 23: Historical
🔺️ Day 26: Eruption
of versification 2023.

🎈1. What was your favourite prompt in Versification?

It was "Veil". I thought it was one of the easiest prompts. I also just like the word in general, so I had fun with this one.

🎈2. Share with us your favourite poem/entry you wrote for versification.

My favourite poem would be "Exiled from my heart." It talks about banishing a loved one from one's heart. I have this idea that when you love someone, they come to live in your heart; they build a home there, and you start to believe that they'll stay forever.

We expect our loved ones to stay because they all fit so perfectly in our hearts, but not every person we love is right for us, or meant to stay forever. It is hard to let go of loved ones, even when they hurt us, but banishing them from our hearts is better than to let them stay and hurt us.

🎈3. What are three words that you'd describe your writing?

Emotional. Deep. And heartfelt.

🎈4. What is the inspiration behind your poetry/writing?

Writing for me, defines who I am. It's like listening to my heart. I write poetry, because it helps me find myself, and love myself. It makes me think and helps me grow.

🎈5. Do you have a favourite Poet or Poetress?

Yes. Caleb James from here. I love his poetry. And a girl named Samantha on Poetizer.

🎈6. What was your favourite part of Versification?

Writing every day. That was very fun, and challenging because I had just started writing after a long writer's block. I got to meet so many talented people and read their poems. The feedback was amazing. It was very inspiring and fun.

🎈7. If you could meet one poet, dead or alive, who would it be?

Rumi, without a doubt.

🎈8. What style of poetry/writing do you write normally?

Free-style poetry, I would say.

🎈9. What is your favourite poem you've ever written and what inspired it or is the story behind it?

"Unexpressed Love." I wrote it for my mother. I've written poetry for loved ones, but I just could not write one for her, because I didn't know how to express my love; how can you express your love when it is too much? So one day, feeling overwhelmed, I sat down and started writing about how I could not express my love for her and the things that I love about her. The amazing thing is, I couldn't have written it better had I not felt like I couldn't do it.

I love it, because it does express my ever-growing love for her and because my heart and soul into it. It feels like a big part of me.

🎈10. Anything you'd like to add or say?

I would like to thank the Wattpad Poetry team for organizing this contest, because it really helped me get back to writing and get valuable feedback. For someone who loves poetry, it's really nice to get a community of talented poets who harbour the same love for poetry as I do.

Thank you iamverda357! Do check out their winning entry Scarred hands: Poetry Collection and shower them with lots of love. 


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