Late again

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*Cassie's Pov*

~1 Year Later~

"Cass, Steve wants to know what you would like for Christmas?" Said my adoptive mom.

I would love to call her mom and to call Steve my dad but they always cringe at it and tell me off.

"I'm not sure. I'm running late. Tell you later." I said and went to leave the house.

"He needs to buy it today. We're going away for Christmas, remember?"

"Oh yeah. Could I please have a phone?"

"You have a phone."

"An iPhone 6. It doesn't even work."


"Maybe an IPhone again. It doesn't have to be one of the new ones."

"You think we would spend that much anyway?"


"I'll talk to Steve."

"Okay. See you later, Wendy."

"Bye Cass."

I'm Cassandra Mills. I used to be really small but a year ago, I had a huge growth spurt. Well I think it was huge atleast. My best friend Millie is 5'1 and I'm 5'6. I used to be around 4'10 last year. I don't know what happened to my parents but I was put into the system at age six. Nine years later and I'm still living in a spoilt rich house. They don't care about money. They throw it around like they're the bees knees. They are rich because they are both lawyers and Wendy owns a massive DAs office or something.

"Cassieeee." Whined James as he ran up to me and pulled on my sleeve.

"James, I have to go. I have school and so do you. Go get ready."

"Harriet doesn't know what to wear."

"Her school uniform." I deadpanned and shook him off of me.

"Cass, go and help your sister get ready for non school uniform day."

"Wendy, I'm going to be late."

"You have plenty of time. C'mon we don't have all day."

"Fine." I said and dropped my bag by the door.

I walked into Harriet's room and found her a skirt to wear as well as a cute top and a Jean jacket.

My adoptive siblings are twins and are ten but James acts a whole lot younger. Harriet on the other hand, wants to be older. She wants to be like me. I don't know why, I nearly got hit by a car the other day. Lost my skateboard because of it.

"Hey, you're going to be late." Said Steve as he walked into the house.

"Thank you for reminding me."

"Oh cass? Before you go."

"Yes." I said and turned to him.

"Money is a bit tight at the moment, so I can't afford to buy you a new phone. Anything else?"

"Maybe a skateboard."

"Nope. We told you we don't like you doing that. It's dangerous. We're glad that thing is gone."

"A coat then."

"A coat? You can be a little more creative."

"Death." I whispered under my breath.

"Hey! We told you we don't like those horrible jokes. Now stop being so ungrateful and tell me what you would like for Christmas!"

"An outfit like this please." I said and showed him a picture.

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