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"Cassandra Mills, this conversation isn't done!"

"Okay. See ya, miss." I said as I skated off.

I had just reached about half way when my vision went blurry and my foot slipped off the board. My foot slid under it causing the board to lift, hitting the back of my leg and pushing my knee forward. I stumbled forward, my head hitting the concrete before everything went black.

Sound quickly rushed into my ears as I slowly began to open my eyes. Two blurred figures were stood by my door talking, one that I could easily recognise with his red hair and red scrubs but the other was hard to see.

The second one walked off as Will came into my room.

I started to sit myself up but he rushed over and pushed me back down.

"Do you want a different doctor?" He said while laughing.

"Hard to decide." I said as I smiled at him.

"Well Jay already knows."

"Was he the one by my door?" I asked.

"No, that was Antonio. They are swamped at work and Jay is out so Antonio came to ask for an update and pick something up for their case."

"Ah. So I probably won't see Jay till much later."

"Probably not but we are keeping you overnight so you will see him, at some point."

"I hate hospitals."

"Ah, she's back. Another skateboarding incident?" Said Ethan as he joined us.

"I did come off but I have no clue why. Doc, help me out here?" I said and looked towards Will.

"Well, Millie texted your phone a lot, telling you to eat. So clearly, you haven't eaten, which made you dizzy. You hit your head after blacking out for a bit and you knocked yourself out on the concrete."

"Any major damage?"

"Nope. Just a bad concussion and a cut."

"Cheers, Doc."

"Why didn't you eat?" Asked Ethan as he took a seat in the bed.

"Not hungry."

"Well you need to eat something." Said Will.

"Why aren't you eating?"

"I've gone off of food."


"I don't know. It might be because in the space of a week, my adoptive parents have told me how much they hate me and how my real parents also hated me and that they didn't want me. And now, I've found out that my real parents are actually dead. So yeah. Food isn't really feeling great at the moment." I said as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry." Said Ethan as he pulled me into a hug.

"It's fine." I said as I yawned.

"We've put you on a drip to give you more strength but you will need to eat something later." Explained Ethan.

"We are going to let you get some sleep. See you later, okay? Call a nurse if you need anything." Said Will.

"Okay. Thanks guys."

"It's fine. Get some rest, Cass." Said Ethan as he lightly touched my arm before leaving.

*Jay's Pov*

As soon as the case had finished, I raced over to the hospital. When Will gave me the call, I was ready to run out of the precinct and all the way to the hospital but Hank made me stay.

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