Broken on the floor

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"You wanna skip last?"


"Oh c'mon."

"No. I'm finally on good terms with Wendy, I don't want to screw that up."

"Okay, well I'm still leaving." She said and walked towards the door.

"No you aren't." I said, grabbing her bag and pulling her back.

"Yes, I am and you can't stop me."

"We can." Said some boy as he approached with a group.

"Who are you?" I asked.


"Well, Jason. Move." Said Millie and went to barge past him.

I grabbed Millie and pulled her the other way. She tried to fight against me but she soon gave up when I pulled her into our classroom.

I've never met Jason before but I do know of him. I know his brother more considering he is in our year plus he throws the best parties. And I want to go to his party on Sunday, so that's why I pulled Millie away.

"Why don't you wanna skip?"

"Because Wendy will murder me from miles away."

"I know but it will be fun."

"No, Millie. Let's go."

"Uh, fine."

After school, I skated home with Millie to a certain point until we parted our ways and I had to hide my skateboard. As soon as I would get in, I would hide it in my bedroom or just place it on the stairs before asking about people's days.

I walked in the door like normal with my earphones in before I pulled them out of my ears and called out to Wendy.

"Wendy, I'm home!" I called out.

I normally see her head pop out from the kitchen doorway and give me a smile if she's in a good mood with me. But this time, there was nothing.

"Wendy! Where are you!?" I called out again as I looked walked over to the stairs.

The house is laid out weirdly. As soon as you step in, you get the marble flooring that leads up to a doorway where the kitchen is and then the dinner table is through the next doorway. The lounge is in one of the side rooms of where the marble flooring is. The staircase is spiral, which isn't great for when you are drunk. That was how I got caught. I fell down them. And then it's the bedrooms all on one floor each with private bathrooms but because the twins are younger and want to be on the same floor, I got the attic space. I've made it into my own and it looks good but it can sometimes get a bit lonely. It's almost like I'm forgotten up there.

"Steve, I'm home!" I called out after not getting an answer.

"I get you might be annoyed with me but the car is in the driveway. Someone is home." I said but still I got no answer.

I ran up the stairs and checked every room, including the bathrooms and wardrobes but no one was home. I don't know where they would be. James' football isn't until later and Harriet's karate isn't until tomorrow.

I gave up looking and went into the kitchen to grab the orange juice out of the fridge to make a drink but paused and looked down at a note on the side. It was hand written and said from Steve and Wendy.

I read the first couple of lines before my heart dropped and tears slowly ran down my face. I slid down the wall and sat on the kitchen floor as I cried.

They talk about this family holiday and all the great things we were gonna do, including me but clearly I'm not apart of this fucking family. They left me for Christmas. For a whole month I am in this house by myself. Some kids would be over the moon but when you are treated like you aren't apart of the family everyday, it makes you feel even more shitty. I thought that we would go on holiday and bond more and have fun. Leave all the stress behind for a month but now I'm in control of the house. I have to make sure the fridge is stocked up before they get home and that everyone's bed is made and every room is tidy. I've always done my chores and I've always done the twin's chores when they can't be asked and Wendy orders me to do them. I do everything I possibly can just for them to love me but in the end, it's just not enough.

I heard a loud knock at the door and quickly wiped my face before getting up to answer it. I looked through the peephole to see Millie stood there with her skateboard in her hand.

"Hey, Mills."

"Hey, Cass."

"What's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out for a skate."


"Okay. What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I said and grabbed my board from the stairs.

"C'mon I know you like an open book. Something is up."

"I'll tell you on the way."

"No way. They left you here?" Asked Millie as we skated down the road.


"You can report them, right? And I'm sure my family would be happy to have you over for dinner."

"I don't want to ruin their holiday or your parent's or yours for that matter. I'm just going to grab a pizza on Christmas day."

"Oh come on. I'm sure they wouldn't mind. I don't have anyone that I know that will be there."

"I would love to but you know I'm socially awkward with you family. Your grandmother grabbed my cheeks and squeezed them before kissing them."

"I know she's weird but she's dead now so that won't matter."

"I love you, I really do, Mills. But I'm just going to spend Christmas alone this year. Do a Teen Wolf marathon and eat crappy food."

"Okay. As long as your sure."

"I am but thanks for the invite."

"Yaz said she doesn't like doing that long winding road down to the pier at sunset so she said it will just be us."

"Really? It's the best thing to do."

"I told her but she just called us crazy and then went on about how you nearly died."

"I didn't see the car and it was in a different location."

"She said her parents will kill her if anyone spots her there."

"Fair enough. Mine would kill me if they knew I was skating or had a board."

We were skating down this hill that has a barrier on each side and very sharp turns but once you get used to it, it's fine. Not very safe but fine.

I looked behind me to see Millie laughing as she sped down the hill but her face soon turned to shock as she shouted at me.

I dived out of the way of the incoming car and Millie did the same. I watched her skid across the road as I rolled before coming to a stop and smacking my back on the barrier. I was gasping for air after being winded but I knew I had to get to Millie. She was lying on the floor, not moving and possibly unconscious.

"Stay down." Shouted someone as they ran over to me and crouched down on the floor.

Two people ran over to Millie and looked at her before scooping her up in their arms and carrying over to their car.

"She's okay. She's waking up. How you feeling?" Asked the person and looked down to me.

I looked up to see a young guy with black hair. I had a feeling that he was the son and his parents were the ones helping Millie.

"I'm sorry. We've done this route loads."

"It's fine. No one was badly hurt."

"Will she be okay?"

"Let me get you up, yeah?"

The guy helped me up off the floor and checked my back for injuries before he walked over to where my bag and board had landed before handing them over.

"We've got her stuff. Help her into the car, we'll drop them at the hospital."

"No. I'm fine. Just take Millie."

"Don't be silly. You guys took a nasty fall."

"Okay. Thank you."

Millie was leant against the window as she dropped in and out of consciousness. The son was trying to keep Millie awake as I shook from shock and fear. Is it my fault she came off? I bounced my knee up and down as I took deep breaths.

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